Why no hill training on bike
I am sure this has been discussed, but can't find the specifics. There doesn't seem to be hill repeats or 'low cadence' work on the bike. I don't understand the concept of flattening the hills by using power numbers.
My A race is IM Whistler which has a good amout of climbing - especially at the end. I am a BOP athlete, using power over the last 3 years and completed 2 IMs (Canada and CDA) - which is why I am asking about hill work. By default, my outside training rides will have hills as there really isn't a ton of flats in my area so I can practice the concept.
Thanks in advance for educating me....
At some point you might get to such a low cadence that you have to 'bust' your prescribed power level. Then it is "you gotta do what you gotta do"....because you don't want to fall over.
Does this help?
@Ann, once the summer comes for me out here in west coast of Canada, I do like 6 weeks leading into IM Canada for example where I do as much of my z4 on hill repeats. I up the power effort to 10% above my FTP and try to accumulate the mount of z4 time in the wko plan.
I am fortunate to have 7-8 hills ranging from 2-3 km taking about 6.5 to 9 min to climb so i factor them all in and accumulate the total z4 time. then when facing Richter, Yellow or the new climbs at Whistler, I am ready for 30-40min of climbing.
Z4 is z4 whether uphill or flats.
If you listen to the power webinar, you will learn more about 'flattening the hills'. Do you not understand the concept of why we race like that, or do you simply have trouble implementing that concept?
John - I get the reason why we race like that.....yes, my problem is implementing = practice. Yep, we actually have a route called 7 hills of Kirkland....ugg what a ride! I will be doing this more over the next few months.
I think I just freaked out a little bit since in the past years I have specifically done hill repeats.
I also read on someone's race report they have auto lap on @ 2 miles so they shoot for hitting their watts for that time period then start over for avg watts. I have mine on auto lap @ 5 miles. That worked last week, but it wasn't too hilly of a ride.
Now it's just practice....and pay attention.
The auto lap function is something you can dial in later as you get ready for a race. Personally I set mine up for 7 mile intervals for HIM and IM (roughly 20 minutes b/c longer than that, the law of large numbers means it is very hard to bring it back up without going WAY too hard....)
And if I had a ride nearby called 7 Hills of anything, I'd be doing that route all the time. But be very clear, there's a BIG difference between training hard and racing steady. Riding steady is a skill that you certainly need to practice until you know how to master it... But once you master it, you don't need to do it very often. So maybe you could even do something like every other hill of those 7 you could ride one very steady, then ride the next one very hard and spike your watts. Alternate which one is steady each week. If you're really serious about it, join strava and see how these different types efforts compare and how they improve over time.
Very helpful John. I think I have probably been training hills more like practicing for racing.... Trying to be steady. Duh. Maybe I won't get dropped on the hills on my group rides if I follow the above methodology.
3 years with EN and still learning!
Excellent advice from everyone here and, from a practical standpoint, Dino is spot on: I can't globally prescribe hill repeats because people's access / lack of access to hills is all over the map.
SO GLAD I ASKED!! Awesome!!
Also, cadence. WIth hills you are typically riding at a lower cadence as you grind your way to the top. If you train at a high cadence indoors and then switch to outdoor hill climbing it can be hard. Practice the low cadence / high power stuff inside.