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tight gracilis

At least I think it is--it's the muscle that runs from the groin to the knee on a narrow band.  OMG did it get tight.  Is this part of weak glute syndrome?  Anyone got any ideas on how to get it better?  This always seems to happen when I run...  I had a good couple of weeks, anyway.


  • Yep...

    I really should let the PT's chime in on this, but it's absolutely possible that weak glutes (and likely tight iliopsoas) = pain in smaller muscles - like the adductors - due to compensatory movement patterns and absorbtion of too much force by these smaller muscles that are meant to be stabilizers...

    Do you have any IT band issues past or present, low back pain, or pain on the inside of the knee? This could help with diagnosis/treatment options.... and as for treatment, aside from stretching and icing, I will DEFINITELY let the PT's chime in there (upper body stuff is more my thing... ;-)

    Good luck Chris!
  • could be your semimembranosus (one of the hamstrings) I like this series as it is active isolated stretching and I find that is what works the best for me.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvLSoHeSDBY. These look alot like the AIS recommended by the Warton brothers.

    Would still wait to hear what the PTs say of course.



  • thanks for the video links B - I need all the strectching I can get
  • It might be that back one. I've started taking the stick to it. And thanks for that video--I wil definitely try that.
  • Great site Brenda...I've been doing these stretches and a few more that a yoga instructor (my niece) gave me.  They saved the day and continue to do so!
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