Scott Plasma
Hi all,
So I am tri bike shopping and test road a Scott Plasma 30 with a set of Sram race wheels (or 60/80 combo)on Saturday and loved it. This was my FIRST time ever on a tri bike and I was comfortable and fast (well fast for me) and amazed. I can't believe how much faster this felt than my road bike. It took about 5 miles to get used to steering but after that I was flying. I currently ride a Scott CR1 and was thinking about using this for IMLP but if I do get the Plasma will probably use it there. Was wondering if there were any numbers on improved mph using a tri bike as opposed to a road bike there? How about race wheels, are they worth the investment. (this is one expensive hobby )
Anyone else with a Plasma out there? Anyone know if the geometry changes much from bike to bike. Is it much different than Cervelo P2 or a Specialized Transition or Cannondale, etc?
Well where should I start now ... yes I absolutely LOVE my Plasma!!!
but I need to say I own a first generation Plasma but I absolutely love it and yes you will for sure improve your bike+run splits!

I would go with a decent 60/60 combo with Aerocover option. If you plan to use your Plasma for training as well I'd recommend a separate set of training wheels. That's for sure not a must but if you have some pretty cheap wheels around for that purpose you're fine
For the geometry - yes there are huge differences between vendors so don't believe that an 'M' frame from Scott will work just because the 'M' frame from Simplon did!

Thanks Stefan, that is a great picture. Kinda like looking at a Ferrari.
Awesome rig Stefan -- liking the FLOs...
If you do drop the $$ on a new tri bike, you would DEFINITELY use it at Placid. I have no idea how many minutes it will save you though...
You could rent race wheels... or get a disc cover for the rear and rent a front race wheel like many people tend to do to get the most bang for their aero buck (especially if they already have a Powertap training wheel). I think I recall you already having power, but if not, that's a much better investment than race wheels... An aero helmet is also a really good bang for your aero buck as well.
@Jeff, thanks for the reply
@John, thanks for your, as usual, in depth and knowledgeable reply. I think the top tube on the Plasma is a little less than most others in this class and that works for me.