Toe cramps.
Long story short. Fell back into the pool three weeks ago and things have been going, well, swimmingly (pun intended). A couple of these swims I have been experiencing crazy toe cramps towards the end of my sessions or in the locker room after while putting on my socks. Nothing debilitating, just more of an annoyance than anything else. I've even pushed through harder intervals and finished the intervals even after a cramp started shortly after send. What advice have ye? Have any successfully solved the toe cramp conundrum?
Any advice or experience greatly appreciated
Any advice or experience greatly appreciated

Could it be a combination of hydration while swimming and using those little muscles in different ways than you do in everyday life/work/workouts?
Do you bring your water bottle to practice and drink plenty of fluids? {insert-standard-speech-about-sweating-while-working-out-and-just-because-you're-in-the-water-doesn't-mean-you're-not-sweating.}
Kicking, in both swimming and kick sets could be a cause too. You point your toes towards the wall behind you, right? That's a strain on those muscles they probably don't get anywhere else... unless you're a ballerina!
I'd also pay attention to how you're pushing off the wall after turn. Personally, I tend to stick the wall at about a 30-degree angle and then push off aiming for the right side of the lane --circle swim FtW-- this mean the last thing to leave the wall are my toes on right leg, and that is where the cramping starts to happen after about 90-mins.Turns are a fairly violent effort... imaging jumping up and down every 30 seconds, being sure to extend your toes to a point every time for an hour+. Those little muscles aren't used to that--they are gonna cramp.
So, I'd pay attention to fluids in during the workout, proper stretching between intervals, and give it some time for those muscles to get used to doing that level of work again. That will hopefully make it better. If you have the same issues I do of coming off the wall to one side, better placement and coming off the wall straight may also help balance the effort between your legs/feet?
As time goes by your body will get use to swimming again. The problem will stay with me as I increase my volume too. So if I were to stay at 2000 meters for awhile I would be fine then when I jump up the volume to 3-4000 meters I have an issue again until my body gets use to that as well.
I definitely hydrate enough so no problem there, but I agree with David that is usually connected to starting back up and getting my feet accustomed to the position again. That and if I have the swim as the second session of the day, or as in my last case, the day after a 12 mile run as a recovery.