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Sitting at Work and thinking about working out

Ok, i want to see how others are dealing with this.  I sit on the phone behind a desk all day for my job.  Over the last few months, work has become more and more BLAH because i keep thinking about my workout for the day or my workout tomorrow or the weekends workout.


Is this normal?  or am i messed up (dont worry, i know i am messed so it would not be a shock to me if i am even more strange)?


Really all day is just thinking about working out and whats next.  I cant turn this off in my head.


  • I thought i could have helped you out when i saw the Office + Sitting.... I sell office chairs, but what you are suffering from cant be fixed with a lumber support, or a foot rest.  i have it too........win the Lotto, so you don't have to work, that's the only cure

  • Oh yea your messed up a type A for sure and in a good place for it too.

    Nothing wrong with planning workouts to fit into life and what it throws at you. I look at nagging thoughts like this, whether the thought is gross, PTSD or nagging and the mind just keeps popping it up for review. I embrace it look right at it brought into the light say fook it you belong to me you are mine I own it it don't own me and move on, rinse and repeat as often as necessary. If you don't own it and move on it will own you THEN you have an issues for meds..
  • JB, what and when is your A-race? IMO, this can be a dangerous sign. This head-spinning thing, sustained for month, can drive you crazy. I've been there, long ago.
  • IMLP is my A-Race. image
  • Well, I don't have the LP people dropping into the IMLP plan until May 6th = 12wks out so if your head is in that place right now, that's not a good thing. Do you have any other, short races on the calendar between now and LP?

    I'm not saying you're going to die or go batshit crazy. But if you're in this place now, it can be much worse by early July -- accompanied by burnout, a pissed off wife caused by the vacant 1000yd stare at dinner, stuff like that 

  • Jonathan, IMO, it depends on how you're thinking. For instance:

    -pretty much every day, multiple times a day, I wish I was on my bike. I daydream about going for a ride, or a nice easy long run. When I drive on a smooth road or past a gorgeous lake, I think "man, I'd love to be riding this right now". I've done this for 20 years, since I was a rower and used to gaze longingly at every body of water I passed thinking "I'd love to row that!"

    -If, OTOH, you're experiencing any anxiety about the day's workout, or feeling that "I've gotta get this in or my whole plan is shot" feeling, then defer to Rich's comment above. It's bad news when your plan becomes a slave master.
  • Coach, It's not like i am stressing or thinking about Placid. I am more thinking about Riding, Biking, Swimming all the time. I have Kinetic Half in a few weeks. Heck i am not thinking about that as much either.

    And there is no anxiety about the workout. I'm just thinking about the workout.
  • RELAX...YOU'RE NORMAL...(as far as normal goes for describing committed endurance athletes who also have to work for a living...)

    ...I type this sitting at in my office...scanning EN Forums...and thinking about my long run route this afternoon 

  • Its normal and yes you are messed up...

    I personally think its a good thing. Having a strong passion for something outside of work is healthy in my opinion. I am much more focused at work to get stuff done so I can leave on time to get a workout in compared to others. This is my 3rd OS and found I was much more at ease with the training cycle. Its just normal for me now to train 5-6 days a week. I find that I end up looking at the training plan a lot more when I drop in the IM plan...I like to get my mind around the entire week, but often remind myself to focus on one day at a time.

    Its a strange world that we live in
  • I agree.....as I sit at work also scanning the forums and typing this. I love thinking about and planning wko's. Not worrying about them, just tinkering with what route I might take next time and dreaming of the rides & runs I might go for if it ever warms up....fun stuff, to me anyway.
  • I cant vouch for normal but I can say that I am the same. I am reading this thread during work hours after all.

  • Posted By Jonathan Brown on 04 Apr 2013 08:54 AM

    Coach, It's not like i am stressing or thinking about Placid. I am more thinking about Riding, Biking, Swimming all the time. I have Kinetic Half in a few weeks. Heck i am not thinking about that as much either.

    And there is no anxiety about the workout. I'm just thinking about the workout.

    Ok, you sound normal then and I see no need for PnI to go into Witness Protection at this time 

  • I think it is normal because I do it also. Work is stressful, you are dealing with many types of people and you did not pick who you work with. Work can be boring, frustrating, exciting, but personally I found quite little satisfaction in my work compared to my training, races, the joy of having a certain fitness. I often think about workouts also especially during boring conference calls... what's the training for tonight? Hey how do those legs feel after last night's FTP intervals? Have I been hydrating enough so far or is it time to get a new cup of water? That kind of stuff.
  • I spend a LOT of time thinking about workouts. Some part of that is really necessary because my work schedule is nuts and I need to plan when I will do each week's workouts and always be factoring that into my changing schedule. But part of it is that I'm pretty wired to be thinking about stuff I'm involved with, and triathlon is one of those things.
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