EN Power Zones vs Garmins Power Zones vs Training Peaks Zones
Trying to determine how everyone has there zones in Garmin/Training Peaks setup compared to EN's power zones. Garmin and Training Peaks won't let me have a break in between zones where as EN's there is a break between each zone. See below:
For Example: EN Zone 2 - 218 - 234 Garmin Zone 2 - 70-75%, 224-238 Training Pks Zone 2 - 167-226
EN Zone 2 - 250 - 265 Garmin Zone 3 - 80-58%, 238-253 Training Pks Zone 3 - 227-270
This is probably confusing as I am just as confused trying to get all 3 sources to match. This is in part to Oceanside 70.3 EPIC FAIL and walk fest! Race report to follow once I can wrap my head around everything and get over it. If this isn't clear I can put up screen shots of all three. Thanks for the help and reading
I haven't thought in terms of power zones in about 9 years. You only need to now three numbers...ok, maybe 4 numbers:
If you need to ride easy, recover, just ride easy. Don't need a number for that.
That's it, 4 numbers, 3 if you call Vo2 = fookin' drag race, drill myself up this hill, etc
I don't know what Garmin messes up with my PowerZones but I can set FTP and the Zone-Edges as often as I want and it's still calculating TSS completely wrong!
TP is per default using the 7-PowerZones from Coggan/Allen like they wrote in their "manifest - training and racing with power" but you can change the zones by yourself pretty easily in the settings ... and also overlapping and non-corrrelating zones are supported which is not possible in Garmin at all.
BUT what you really ultimately need to know has already been stated by Coach R!!
I'll print out a small cheat-sheat for my first 70.3 this year having the following numbers on it and stick it onto my cockpit:
Gear 1 = 261W (Goal watts -5% for slight downhills)
Gear 2 = 275W (Goal watts)
Gear 3 = 289W (Goal watts +5% for long uphills > 3')
Gear 4 = 303W (Goal watts +10% for short uphils < 2')
The zones will calculate automatically but they have nothing to do with calculating TSS. Make sure you have your power settings set to ZERO AVG. under DATA RECORDING.