Singulair vs. generic
Ok, random question. I know there are a few fellow allergy/asthma sufferers out there.... I had been taking Singulair for years and my allergies/asthma were very well controlled. For several months, I have had horrible allergies and it has seemed to have stopped working. Bizarre. I've been supplementing with Allegra. So I looked back at my prescription history and it seems they switched me to generic in nov. 2012. Coincidence? I always thought generic was exactly the same. I'm going tot have dr. switch me back to the real stuff but just curious if anyone else has a similar experience. This blows.... Literally.

Allergies are a pain in the butt. I've been dealing with allergies since I was a teenager. My allergy doc says it's not unusual to need to change medications every so often. A combination of allergy shots & medicine worked well for a long time as long as I changed the combination of medicines I took every so often.