JOS Week 14 Bike Test and Exit
OK folks, here's the pay off week.
- Tuesday has us doing a standard brick, but with a lot shorter intensity intervals (classic for a bit of taper!)
- Wednesday's run is the obvious "taper" workout with some intensity, but short
- Thursday is the bike test!
- Saturday has a standard but not-quite-as-killer brick
- Sunday has a run test....
A few thoughts of mine:
About the bike test. This came up in another thread. I'll just summarize my thoughts quickly. If you need good outdoor numbers because you're hopping right into a training plan with just a single transition week and you're racing pretty soon (think races in May and first half of June), then go for an outdoor test. It's what you're going to need to set your training, and it just makes more sense to do it now. If your priority is more to benchmark the OS, then do the indoor test just like you did at the beginning. There are too many differences between indoors and outdoors and people react differently. (Most test higher outdoors anecdotally; I test higher indoors.) If you want to know what your work did for you in a quantitative way...this is what you should do.
About the run test. Again, decide what you're most interested in. If it's benchmarking, then do the same 5K test. If it's getting more relevant data, then the 10K or half marathon makes more sense. If you're going to race, then the date of the race will make you adapt. (I plan to run a half marathon on the weekend of "week 15", so I went ahead with another long run on the weekend of "week 13".) Don't be afraid to hack a little.
Above all, schedule in some "transition" time. I'm sure we'll hear more about it in the webinar (or you can hear it in the delay broadcast that I expect we'll get) but do give yourself a bit of a break. Much better a bit of rest now than a burnout three weeks before your race!
Good luck everyone!
It has been fun to follow you and watch how strong and fast you have became. I am also heading into a get faster plan and I chose to do the bike. My run is not going to get much faster and I am afraid if I push the run any harder I may end up injured. I am doing Racine in July then Wisc.

Be smart and train hard. See you around
I just want to say, "Thank You" for leading this fun, crazy group!!!! I am really a fan of the 14 weeks and feel the last 6 weeks were tougher then the past two years of OS we did.
This has been my favorite though. I wish I would have did most of my VO Max stuff though at 110% cause I feel that is really beneficial.
Bike test 2 days early and a point short. Dropped 1 on both FTP and VO2 but I'm not going to sweat it. Probably isn't even statistically significant. I will learn and move on.
So here are my thoughts:
1) Eliminated VO2 work in favor of 110% additional FTP work. Is it possible that VO2 work also raises FTP and that eliminating it hurt both FTP and VO2? My VO2 is 126% FTP so I wanted more FTP focus.
2) If I'm honest with myself, I missed maybe 2-3 bike WKOs in the last 4 weeks of the OS. (Only maybe 1 missed in first 10 weeks) Back half slackin'!
3) Typically folks see bigger improvement in the beginning of the OS, right?
I will be doing another bike test (10k TT) on May 1 which I'll use as my first outdoor bike test. I didn't expect a big bump this week but wanted to have an apples to apples (indoor vs. indoor) bike test before going outdoors. I will assume that any bump I get between now and outdoor test will mostly be a function of going outside. (From my experience LY)
4) I need to HTFU with my FTP intervals. If I can do 20mins at 105%, then i should be able to hit the 20 x 20 more consistently at 100% vs. 96-98%. I think I became too forgiving and satisfied with anything over 95%. Phoooey!
Looking forward to seeing everyone's results later this week!
Due to half marathon run test Saturday I tested today.
I tested 6 weeks ago with virtual power from Trainer Road. FTP: 212, Vo2 max: 242
Today I tested using the values from my Quarq power meter and came up with the following: FTP 202, Vo2 Max 222
When I got my power meter 3 weeks ago, I was riding consistently at 20 watts below my virtual targets, today I was riding ~ 10 watts below my virtual targets, so I am closing the gap! Saw power improvements, but for sake of apple to apples comparisson, I am calling it a push.
I as well missed a few rides in the back half of the OS, so I cannot complain!
Bike test done, and outdoors too (even in Canada eh).
I actually exited JOS last week and really wanted to test outdoors as I am less than 8 weeks from race. The weather did not cooperate so I did a hack for the week. Last night, other than some misty like rain I was able to do the 5/10/20 on the highway.
My outdoor numbers were excellant. Very close to where I felt I needed to be based on last year at this time. I figured a FTP of near 255 would be awesome and test revealed 266. Vo2 less than 116% @ FTP which might indicate predicted FTP slighter lower (aka, did not go hard enough during Vo2 leaving more in the tank for 20' test). No worries.
Bring on the far now as I prepare to race the world long course for team Canada in France Jun-1 (as long as I can start running soon).
JOS been a slice. I will respond in the thread regarding feedback on the new plan.
Thanks WJ.
Jumping into the GFP in a week and stay in that until flipping into the IM plan for Wisc on June 16. Concerned that the GFP doesnt have enough volume or long rides for the upcoming Racine but putting my faith and trust in the coaches. The biggest thing I noticed was I do not have any long runs that I am use to on Thursdays for HIM and there is no Sunday ride following the ass busting Saturday ride. Those are my real concerns.
We're expecting big things out of you at Racine...flat course, point to point swim....your numbers point to something better than the target you've been talking about!
Yep that was inside on the DRAINER. I am looking forward to Racine. I just wish I was a faster swimmer but oh well. I am going to be sure and have fun this year at every race. Last year I took everything so serious and to heart that it frustrated me when I didn't meet my goals but it made me work that much harder. Being on this local bike team I think has improved my power and handling skills on the bike.
I am going to be coming to Ames area a few times to ride with my team. I will let you know when we are heading your way and you can join us if you are free.
Again THANKS for leading the troops through battle this OS it has been fun and challenging.
I did or tried to do the Tuesday bike wko yesterday and my legs felt like rocks from the weekend wko that I did on Sunday. I know if I test prior to this weekend I might not see any bump - legs are that fried. Finally sleeping like I used to - 6-7 hrs straight and if schedule allows, catch another 1-2 hrs. I'm not testing on the bike till Sunday anyway so taking it pretty easy this week. Some easy runs and longer efforts swimming and lots of stretching. Have a 1/2 Mary scheduled for the 21st but not looking like I'm gonna be ready for that with my tight hip. Would like to at least be able to pace a slower runner and get something out of it. Hopefully by end of month I'll be ready to run fast again. Have 1st Oly 5/4.
Want to thank William and Carrie for leading us thru the OS - job well done! Like the idea of OS team leaders. Makes it more like a team.
I'll put some comments on the OS a little later this week.
After this week I jump into SC training plan (for the 1st time) for about 9 weeks before moving to HIM for fall races.
Got a 4 watt bump (after a really tough 5') in VO2max to 264. OK...recover and start at my old TH number and try and build...that was the PLAN, but not the EXECUTION! I had a few moments (3 of them) where I just HAD to back off. Again, very hard effort, hr and rpe were way up there and the breathing was very labored. I ended up with a 227 for the 20 minutes. I hung my head and thought I'd lost 4 watts while catching my breath, but it was all I could do today. Sort of a wash.
BUT...I looked at my old data, and low and behold, I actully ticked up a watt. One measly watt. But when you'd just thought you'd lost four, but really gained one, that ended up a win.
Like Kim, I struggled to hit 100% on the longer FTP rides with my new numbers, but always was within 95 or better. Vo2max, I hit the numbers and excelled a tad at the end. So, no huge surprises.
Overall, powerwise I am in a much stronger position than last year at this time. Now I hope to build on that a bit as my season progresses as I have in the past.
I'm not scheduled for a transition week, but I think I will take one...I don't want to be in a hole later building to my August HIM and IMAZ in mid November!
And yes, take a transition.
Good stuff Brenda!
1. Apples to apples
2. I am stubborn.
My post-mortem thoughts boil down to the fact that we had an office going-away w/ Sonny's BBQ for lunch, and lack of sleep the last couple of nights. I also think I went a bit too aggressive on the VO2 testing portion.
While I am somewhat bummed, I am take solace in knowing what a 'blow up' during testing feels like. I am patting myself on the back for admitting early that it "jsut wasn't happening" and stopping before digging myself too big a hole. I am cognizant of the 'once you go easy, it is easier and easier to go easy...." train of thought. But I don't think that was the case today.
At least that's what I am telling myself.
#1- 42', avg HR 156, Max 173, Garmin training effect 4.3
#2- 55', avg HR 146, Max 164 Garmin training effect 3.4
#3- 56', avg HR 152, Max 169 Garmin training effect 4.1
Felt pretty good throughout. I will def. need to eat more next time. I had a GU in between each class and a Larabar before the 3rd one too. Just drank water and I was pretty hungry by the end. Had a double black bean cheeseburger when I got home and I still feel like I could eat another one (or two) Trying to tame the appetite beast with some unsweetened applesauce.
I am holding out hope that I can ride outside next weekend..... Stupid lingering winter!
I went out more conservative than I did earlier this week....which I think caused me to underperform (based on lack of wobbly legs post-test....). BUT, I was able to get through the entire that's something.
VO2 - 327 , up from 312
FTP - 260 (20' @ 274), down from 269 (20' @ 283)
Bottom Line -- I feel stronger, but it is just not showing in this week's tests. I am on the road next week for business, which lines up nicely with a Transition Week. Looking forward to the mental reset so I can get back at it.
Kathlene, part of the point of OS is to limit the length of trainer rides. Those doing really long ones were the exceptions, for their own reasons. It's hard to get longer and faster at the same time. That said, I totally agree that getting outside and seeing the world is great. I'm like you on the FTP to VO2, though... Not sure there's a good solution other than working hard on that FTP. You might consider doing the 5 minute 110% intervals that Matt and I (and maybe a few others did) on the VO2 days during your plan. Good luck!
Well I did the 2x20 old test today outdoors after a pretty lite week. This being my 3rd OS, this was my first "failed" test - in that I didn't finish the whole test.
Felt strong first 10min of 1st interval and had to force myself to lower the watts. I was shooting for 300 and hit exactly that number for my NP. THe first interval was into a steady wind - nothing terrible but noticeable. Had a gel during 2 min break and then got going again. First 8 minutes went by fast and I was holding AP slightly below 300. But @ 10" my stomach was feeling funny, at 12" I had some dry heaves and @ 15min I knew my time was up and hit the lap button and let my gut go while I coasted down the road. Hmm, beautiful 60 degree day, good riding road, slept a solid 8 hrs nite before - but somehow it got messed up. Oh well - probably shouldn't have had the sweet gel - too early in morning for sweets - and it probably ignited whatever my gut was not happy about. Felt like I lost 10lbs with that ride. Took about 15 minutes to gather myself while gliding down the road, and got in another 50 minutes back to home base.
2nd 15" interval ended up @ 287 - so solid drop in watts in last 5" of 2nd interval. THis gave me a NP of 290 for the shorten 37min ride (instead of 42). I'm going just go w/this number until I test again. It certainly would not have been higher had I managed to finish the final 5", and probably would have dropped 1 or 2 watts, but had my stomach not played grumpy I think I would have at least held on for the 290 @ 42".
This is 1 watt higher than where I finished last year. Somewhat disappointing - but I personally think the shortend OS may be a factor in that, too. We'll see if we can't bump that up again later in the year. It is still a 9% increase from wk 8 test. Since I did the 2x20 test, I don't have a tested V02 # but 120% of 290 = 348 and that looks and feels about right for me.
watts/kg = 3.12 up from 2.55 in wk 1.
3yr OS History:
2011: wk1 222 - finished @ 274
2012: wk1 233 - finished @ 289
2013: wk 1 240 - finished @ 290
I have TW and then move to SC for 9wks & then to HIM.
Good luck to all JOS peeps with their personal goals & dreams this year!
And thanks again to the JOS coaches - William and Carrie!