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2013 Texas Swim Options

Ok, 6 weeks out so I think we can actually start thinking about our race.  My question concerns the swim.  Assuming that the race operates like last year (non-wetsuit wave and wetsuit wave - non-Kona/AG eligible), what are your thoughts on how to tackle it?  Given that I am not concerned about KQ/AG awards, I see three options for myself:

1.  Tri-shorts only w/ Wave 1 - I've done this at Louisville and don't have any issue with it.

2.  Tri-top and shorts covered with a swim skin w/ Wave 1 - Requires purchase of swim skin, no issues there.

3.  Sleeveless wetsuit covering tri-top and shorts w/ Wave 2- Requires rental of wetsuit as all I have is a sleeved and I don't like swimming in it.

I'm aiming at a 1:20-ish swim (with my focus being on form and the time is whatever the clock says at the end of the race, no decision during the swim will be time based) with the least amount of full contact MMA action during the swim.  I'm not one of those who sees the swim as some type of machoistic rite of ironman passage.  I would like to come out of the water as fresh as I can be as fast as I can be.  Based on a previous thread, I'm now leaning towards option 3, option 2, and option 1 in that order.


  • @ Roy. When I did a race with shorts only and had to put on shirt over wet skin. Extremely frustrating would not recommend it, but that's just me. I have a long john wet suit you could borrow for the race. Its an exterra medium large or long. you can go on there website and use their sizing chart to determine if you think it will fit. I'm going with the swim skin because hate trying to put on dang tri tops over wet skin. its one of those annoying things that will get me all aggravated.
  • Roy, I've been giving this a lot of thought lately as well (since I only have a full body wetsuit). Even though I LIKE swimming with it, I'm leaning towards getting a swim skin for this race. Like John, I don't like trying to yank a tri-top over wet skin...crazy frustrating. In fact, I have a call into my swim instructor to discuss "skin" options.
  • I think It really depends upon wether you are going to wear a bike top or Tri top out of T1...really no problems getting a bike shirt on....if your going to go with a tri top...you can wear it under the Swimskin...I did this last two years at IIMLOU...

  • Roy, how well do you deal with warm-ish water and a wetsuit? That should be the determining factor in your decision. If you're okay swimming in 80 degree water with a wetsuit then go with the wetsuit.

    I'm thinking just like you. I have zero concerns about awards or Kona slots, run kind of cold-blooded when compared to most people so any water feels cold to me, and I'm also looking at what's the best swim strategy to keep me the most fresh. There's absolutely no doubt in my mind that I'm going to wear a wetsuit assuming the water doesn't warm up way beyond 2011 or 2012 when the water temps were 79 and 80, respectively.

    Not to get any hopes up since we're six weeks out but water temps around here have been unusually cool. The Texas 70.3 swim was about 5-7 degrees cooler than normal.
  • @Bob nice 70.3 race!

    My plan is to use a blueseventy trisuit... Gonna SBR in it.... Also will bring a sleeveless wetsuit just in case water is wetsuit legal... From what I hear chances are nill it will be wetsuit legal but would feel pretty foolish if didnt have a suit and it was.

    I did the tritop on wet skin in IMLOU and never again!
  • I prefer to wear a wetsuit only when the water temp calls for one. A swim skin will save you plenty of time and energy.
  • I believe a wetsuit would be the fastest. The only issue is over heating in the warm water. I didn't wear one last year but I'm pretty sure they had wetsuit strippers coming out of the water, so no issue getting it off.

    Speed suits are next fastest. I wore one last year with tri suit under it. Not sure I was that fast but science says its better than everything but wetsuit image

    Tri suit or just swim or tri shorts are least aero. I'd hate to try and put a top on over a wet body. Did that on my very first tri and it was a disaster; funny too (after the fact of course).

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