Schedule Mod
Hi coach P,
After yesterday’s long run, which went well but a bit over the time on the schedule, I ended up with a sore Achilles. I thought I had better take a look at the run schedule for next week to see how many, how long and how much intensity where was going to be. Looking at the schedule I noticed that there is going to be 4 running days in row. Typically in the past when I have had this kind of Achilles pain I had to space my running days so I would only be running every other day. Since this is the case I would like to move the one hour long Wednesday run to Monday and the 45 minute Friday run to Wednesday. This will accomplish two things; one: it will space out my runs a little and two: it will put a slightly shorter run the day before the week’s longest run. In this manner I can have a day between the long run on Thursday and the hour long run on Saturday to allow my Achilles to rest and recover from one run to the next. Please let me know if this is a good work around. By the way I had a RR swim (2200) this morning and my pace per 100 in the 2200 was better than the 500s on Wednesday by one second. I was going to do the 100, 200, 300, 400 test you suggested but tough it was more important to do the straight 2200 RR swim. I will do this test to see where the break down is next week or is it to close to my May 4 race to worry about this now?
@Leah, FYI you should be making your own new thread so I can find you, not jumping on Daniel's!