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IMTX April 15 - 21

A little tired; so may make this a swim only day....3100 this AM as 900 warmup/400 pull w/bands/4x100/1x400/4x100/1x200/4x50/200cooldown  

@John K - No flip turns for me either..

@Ryan - Same as Roy....at least as far as tops go...I will wear black DeSoto Shorts with EN Tri-Top




  • LOL you beat me JOE!
  • Hey thats cool it let me delete my thread. Here is what I posted....

    Found today's swim pretty hard after this weekend. Really like my new 910XT. Not sure about all the swim metrics on it though. 500yds warm up , MS 20 x 100 alternating fast/easy with lotsa rest inbetween , averaged around 1:23/fast and 1:36/easy and averaged around 30 sec rest after the fast , 60 sec rest after the easy... 200 cool down

    Thats it for today.... REST!


    Flip Turns---- I had a Masters Coach keep trying to get me to do flip turns....I'm pretty co-ordinated but I just cant get em, they disorient me, make me lose my breath and go hypoxic, plus I have never had to do one in a race....

    @JK hope that heel isnt too bruised... How's the rib's this AM?

  • @Tim. Heel is bruised up pretty good but don't think it will affect running. Ribs are interesting in that they are the most sore at night and morning. Not impacting workouts but is have impact on sleep. Wasn't till the long bike this weekend that they became more problematic before that was mainly sore to touch or when stretching.
  • Monday lunchtime trail hill run done. 4.75 in 48 minutes. Overcast and cool. Felt really nice. Going to hit the pool tonight.

    Wife has to work this weekend, so I'll be juggling the weekend rides on the trainer with family responsibilities. It is what it is.

    5 weeks out. Keep on it, but make good decisions with respect to any fitness gains you have left vice overall race day health. We've all got a lot of fitness built over the OS and now the IM build. Don't do something silly now and crack this late in the game.
  • @JP, did you get the Garmin file fixed? I've had crazy issues with file corruption and firmware problems on my 310XT in the passed and rarely got a response from Garmin on these.

    @JK, I started doing flip turns this season and I'm always scared of what you did. In the past I would just touch the wall and then turn around. I wouldn't even push off. Hope the heel feels better soon.

    @Joe/Roy, looks like I need to start sporting some team colors this year. Definitely need to get something different from black, red and white. I'm a moving target for Black-winged red birds.

    Sort of did my RR #1 yesterday. While I came very short of the distance I'm just glad I got outside and did this. I'm also glad I found a long route with a shoulder and hills.


  • @Ryan, nice work on the RR. And WRT the EN gear, its black,red and white... Go figure.
  • I was planning on sporting EN colors but tri jersey zipper is broken. Keeps getting stuck in liner
  • Hey team...back from Belize and looking forward to a good swim tonight. Did an organized Century on Saturday and felt good...awful windy course but that's probably not a bad thing. Other notes from Saturday...sunscreen is essential LOL.
  • Opinions? Is staying an hour from race site to much?
  • @John, my take on your question:

    - I've found myself progressing closer and closer to the race site the more races I do. I stayed ~45 minutes out from my first one in 2010. The last one I did (Louisville last year), I got a room at the host hotel for two days even with in-laws that live in Louisville. For Texas, I'm staying about a block away from the host hotel in the middle of the shopping center. For me, it just creates one less thing to worry about in the few days leading up and on race morning/post race. I'm also trying to get to the midnight finish line this time (assuming I'm off the course by then) to support the folks coming in then. Being close supports that easier.

    - Although I do NOT like hanging out with all the tri-geekery / butt sniffing that goes on at races of any sort, I do enjoy the convenience of being close. I leave my room to do what I have to do, then I run back in and drown myself with in-room programming. Additionally, I like giving my family easy access to a 'safe-haven' on race day. Since I've got the crew (wife+2 smaller kids) coming to Woodlands, my wife has instructed me to have easy access on/off course.

    Close or far is doable, but for me, I like being in close. YMMV.
  • Prayers to those effected by Boston. My wife is taking it hard as the devices appeared to target spectators (a role she and the family focus on for me).

    3000 yards in the pool last night. 10x100's (hard) and 6x200's (moderate) with w/u & cd fleshing out the distance. Swim average 1:38.

    In other good news, Lose It! just told me I made my Texas race weight goal (183) this morning. That's a loss of 10 pounds since the end of the NOS. Since we're 5 weeks out, I'm happy. Going to maintain course and speed on the nuitrition front.
  • Thanks Roy. Right now have a room that's about 8 -10 miles away. Have a family friend that lives an hour away and would let my dad and I stay for free. Maybe stay there Wednesday and Thursday and at hotel Friday Sat and Sun
  • Today's plan: 10 miles @7:01 followed by evening swim. Haven't been sleeping well the past week. Didn't feel like dragging my butt out of bed @ 4 am
  • Am in cheap motel in Conroe. About 15 minutes away. My compromise. Plus there is supposedly a Conroe Lake i can swim in.
  • @robin where are you staying? I'm at quality suites it's about 15 minutes away.
  • @JK ... For an IM , no doubt closer is better , convenience trumps all , having a room within walking distance makes picking up the bike easy , your support crew can have easy access to room (they have a longer day than we do) , I have done IMLOU , IMFL , IMMT , IMCZ and having a room close for family support helps tremendously. At IMFL my girlfriend did the race as well , while I waited for her to finish, I walked to the room, showered, ate, went back picked up both bikes, then back to the room to track her and then back to the finish to catch her come in..... Its also nice to see the end of the show at midnight if your up to it , did that at IMMT last year and was worth it.

    Having said all that IMTX will be the first time not having a room that close.... Bumming about it too... Staying at the Extended Stay a few miles south of woodlands until thursday and then moving to La Quinta a few miles north for the race.

    Today's FTP work, just wasnt feeling it early, dialed it back to .95 and came in just a little below that. Those big weekends are adding up.
  • Like Tim, my legs were a bit sluggish enroute to the track and on the first interval, however, 2nd two intervals felt good and I actually had to slow down on the last lap on both of them. A total run of 7.5 in one hour with 3x1 mile @ TP.

    Good luck everyone!
  • Today's run: 10 miles average 7:08 which included 1 mile warm up and down
  • I'm at Springhill Suites Woodlands. Looks like its about 10k run away from the finish line. REALLY wish I was in the host hotel but it is what it is at this point. I'm sure they'll have shuttle service on race day.
  • I arrive on Tuesday nite...and am at the La Qunita....same as Tim...just realized i need to arrange a car...everything else I think is set.

    @John Kitchen....I replied in your forum post...but the best saddle stuff is AQUAPHOR (or the generic equivalents)...can get it in big tubs and it is relatively inexpensive...works fantastic!

  • @Joe saw your response. Was going to try it on some long rides. During race time, when do you put the aquaphor on? Before or after swim?
  • 8 miles this evening 7:25 avg.....warmup recovery miles @ 7:35 avg...3 x 1 @7:10,7:05,6:54...they were all supposed to be around 7...I felt a little sluggish & wind/trail/road kinda threw my off ...but actually felt good..I really didn't need to back off much to recover...not bad.

    @John K....last year I don't think I used Aquaphor...I used BodyGlide...put it on before the swim (swam with tri shorts under my speed suit)....this year I will do same and put Aquaphor on before swim...but probably will have some available in T1 & T2 for a slather.

  • 7 miles this morning, 2 x 6' @ Z4 followed by Z3/Z2 running; legs definitely feeling a little fatigued. On a good note, I've found a pool in my home town that costs me $3 a visit. On a bad note, I'm traveling again this week (Thurs - Sun). Not even sure if I'll have access to a pool, but I hear the weather is cool up in the NYC area.

    @All, anyone done for car pooling in the morning? I'm looking for a hotel now, but I've also got family in the Sugarland area. Worst case, I'm sleeping in a tent on the course. image

  • Restarting today with swim and bike.     Still tired from BBW in Hawaii.     Peed off 10 lbs of leg edema and extra fluid in the last two days (travel, salty local Hawaiian food, bike work).          10 hours sleep last night.   2 hour nap today.     feeling better.

    For long bikes and Ironmans, I use Lantiseptic to the butt.     Like Aquaphor, not water soluble.    So I just put a bunch on for the day at the hotel.      A bit of a mess to get off the hands.         

  • Since I needed to recover after my HM a few weeks ago and then I went to Tucson for a week of lots of unstructured miles I just realized I haven't done any run speed work in over 3 weeks..... 7.7 miles today with 3 x 1 mile repeats and then hit the pool for 2700yds...

    For Race Day I like to use Brave Soldier .... Non Petroleum but still very greasy feeling and hard to get off the hands but it lasts... For daily training I prefer Chamois Butter.

  • yeah Tim...I was going to mention you were kinda slackin' off a bit...LOL..nice workout....

    3300 in the pool this morning as 6x400/4x100/4x50 + warmup/cooldown...felt pretty good...no toys today.

    Lookin' forward to bein' on the bike this afternoon.



  • We will be flying in on Tues. and staying @ Homewood Suites just N. of the Conv. Center. Have yet to get a car. It'll be fairly close for my wife and friends to hang around in while on the course. My wife and friend will be volunteering for the event. My wife will be a catcher I think from 8 or 9- midnight.

    Yesterday 2X20'@Z4 then off to work a 12 hour shift at the hosp. and then swam 2600 yds. I rolled into the steam room to enjoy the heat. Using some of the Tower 26 methods and really enjoy it. Toys to start and none to finish up. Lots of unannounced bouncing obstacles by the poolside deck kept things interesting during my time. Legs are kind of tired today though.

  • 1:27 on the bike today at lunch with ~33 minutes @ or above FTP (I use strava segments for outdoor FTP work, so it varies according to what's available on any given route). Total ride of 0.82 / 248 NP.

    2100 yards tonight at the pool with MSs of 400s. Homework time ran over so I only had a limited amount of time once I finally made it to the pool.

    Coach R went into the IM plans (at least the advanced) and tooled some of the swim distances to drop in more 'race distance' work. Make sure you check it out prior to Friday.

    Long run on tap tomorrow. Keep on it everyone!
  • Good Morning....I had one of my best outside rides last nite...1hr. & 2x20..but frankly I rode the entire thing at Z4+ so I guess my FTP has improved over the past month?! its either that or a.) my outdoor FTP was always a bit better than my indoor but it took good weather, shedding of winter gear, and just getting comfortable outside in Aero for things to start to click off...at this point though I'm not changing any of my workout zones & targets....just will be confident in the ones i've been workin in.


    Long run on tap tonite...and this is my RR weekend...really looking forward to it!

    Great work Roy...thanks for the heads up

    @Jay...Ditto on the Tower26 stuff...it really helped me.

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