Short Course WKOs w/ April 15
With no short course forum, whats a girl to do? Start one!
2 x 20 on the bike last night @.99IF, and .98IF then 2miles on the mile in 22:28.
Tonight was supposed to be swim/run but it was one of the first REAL spring-like days here so I had to get outside and run so I bagged the swim and ran around the neighborhood, literally. I have a nice, hilly 1 mile loop. I leave a water bottle by the mailbox and do my mile repeats. My test paces are a bit high as my 5k test was basically flat then 2 miles downhill. I was pleasantly surprised by my paces tonight. Target pace 9:31. Actual 9:41, 10:02, 10:28. Ooops, they went the wrong way but still not bad.
My first race is Quassy Oly, 4th year in a row. EVERY year I say "I'm going to train hills more" and never do. (OK, so I hate hills, don't ask my why I do this race) Well, this year I'm doing it. The 'hood loops may become a staple for me. I don't care if I'm going so slow it is practically a walk.... I want to run the hills this year!
Looking forward to seeing who else is doing short course races and how the training is going!
I will try again tomorrow.
I am having to stand down from run for one week starting today b/c both my achilles are barking at me. No matter. been here before.
Tomorrow I leave for Florida for a few days. Bike vol will go way up but I am still going to try and get some intervals in. I will also get the chance to do some ocean swimming. Bike and wetsuit are packed!
I finished OS and Bike Focus and I'm now in week 13 of the SC. I find the SC intensity at a level that really challenges me. Point in case: Sunday's run included 3x1mi (5), Tuesday's Bike 2x20' @ FTP and today was 3x1mi (again) but at 5K pace. I'm a bit behind on swimming because its my weakest and I'm still working on technique. But even so, at this point in time I probably would swim faster than I did last year.
My A races are the USAT National AG Championship (Oly) and the Chicago Triathlon (Sprint) - lets GO!
That's my 2 cents on swimming.... For me.
Great, here we go. Hopefully coaches read suggestions forum, that is where we suggested we get a little corner to post these.
I traveled in yesterday, so missed my swim, but ran. Week 16, advanced, Wednesday run is 3x1000m@IP with full recoveries, plus time @HMP, total 60min. No tested VDOT yet, will soon, estimate is 51-52.
IP=6:04 HMP=6:45
My went down like this:
WU: 2mi@ EP
MS: 3x1000m(500m), int 1 5:59 pace, int 2 5:55 pace, int 3 5:50 pace, after recovery 1mi@6:35 pace
CD: .5mi@EP
Total 7.26mi in 54min
I will likely skip posting the swims as I mix EN and own production. I coach on the team and frequently swim with swimmers, so no point of me confusing you here. If I do EN swim, I will post it here. I got a little smarter over time and no longer swim 5000-6000 per practice along with EN bike and run workouts. Took some time to learn that.
Today, bike and maybe head to pool for Wednesday swim that I missed. Will update later. Keep up the work. Great that we can share this.
Forum created (you're in it!) and thread parked here. Enjoy!
Thank you Coach.
Here we go, Week 16, Thursday bike calls for 10min ON. I have always found that for my physiology, longer intervals at lesser IF produce more VO2 gains, so I do have my eye on the 5min Hack, but I am very cautious with it. I am using that WIKI material more as a loose idea than a firm plan. It would be too much for me at this point.
Today, I chose 4x3min(3min)@IF 1.15, my FTP=270W, 3.80 w/kg, IF 1.15 target is 311W.
Weather is crappy, so indoors, trainer, ride total 60min, AP 203W, NP 235W, IF .87, TSS 75.3.
int 1, AP 313W, cad 98, IF 1.16
int 2, AP 319W, cad 99, IF 1.18
int 3, AP 317W, cad 98, IF 1.17
int 4, AP 319W, cad 99, IF 1.18
6min easy, than 10min@239W, IF .88, cad 94, avg HR 135, than 5min CD.
Feeling great after, stretch and roll on the foam roller. This was a second VO2max workout this week, first one was Tuesday 4x4min(4min)@IF 1.10. Swimming this evening with the team. Swimming tomorrow AM, again.
My first race us KS5150 in hope to qualify for Hy-Vee along with my kids who qualified last year at Ironkids and are pumped to do it again so I have to keep my promise that I will race with them in Des Moines.
Tonight's workout started with a few minutes of whining then down to the basement for 2 x 12min intervals @ 100% on the bike. Ended up feeling good as my legs are pretty toasted between 3 spin classes on Sat. and all the other work since then. I'll miss my Friday's off moving from OS to to SC plan but thats how it goes. Back to the pool I go!
Today was 2x10' @ 102%/103%...probably need to test, but I've sworn I'm not testing again until I can get outside!
Great job Kim and guys. Nice, consistent intervals there.
Today is a swim only day and I do live by that. I learned my lessons with EN SC or OS work. I did swim but was my own production. I had two fish with me, 10 year old and 14 year old.
Did 3000SCM in 50min. I changed from 5x600 EN flavor to 10x200@3:20 at threshold or EN2 speed.
At the start of the workout I did get chicked for the first time in the pool. We were in a middle of kick set when I got tapped on my foot, I look back, big ol' smile on my 10 year old daughter's face, "I got ya, now, move over", you bet I did, she just blew by. I thought "Holy Cow", I am not a fish but not a slouch either. Oh, well, we all laughed. My 14 year old swimmer dropped me long time ago, now the other household swim ranking just plunged another spot.
Anyway, here is how the workout went:
200s SCM
1-6@3:20, I was clocking in no1 2:57, after that all 2:55-2:54
7-10@3:15, clocking all 2:54s
For SCY swimmers, this roughly converts to 10x200@2:55, holding 2:36-2:35, so about 1:18ish/100y.
It was great fun swimming with my kids, even though this is their only half of usual workout, they are both this evening for their second swim today and I will be on deck coaching, great fun.
AT- must be fun for the kids to beat dad. Lol
I had some ART done today at the chiro and man it hurts. Swim after was bad, I actually felt smooth and good but was slowwwww. My TT pace is about 1:55/100 yd and could barely hit 2:00. Oh well. No worries yet. 7 weeks to go. Did 2x 400, 2 x 300 and 2 x 200.
I am on a short vacation to bike with a group of roadies till monday. Today I had my fastest 10mi ever. Wind aided bit still. 50% chane of rain tomorrow but these folks might ride anyway. When in Rome...
Did "Revolver" Sufferfest video this morning to fget my 12' "ON" time. Managed 15 1' intervals ranging from 1.20IF - 1.27IF. Then I ran 2 miles on the treadmill, then went and helped my wife paint her office for 4hrs. Bike, run, paint. Tomorrow is just run, paint.
Mile 1 @ 9:54
Mile 2 @ 9:50
1/2 Mile @ 9:40
1/2 Mile @ 9:32
Then an hour of painting and an hour of cleaning. How many TSS points for that?
Kim- Nice job!, uh cleaning and painting is highly anaerobic and carries a lot of TSS.
, not sure how much but thinking somewhere like spending 2hrs at threshold.....
Here is my weekend. Saturday brick per Week 16, Sunday run.
Saturday brick calls for 2hrs or 2.5-3.0hrs if able. Weather still for indoors in AM so I did 1:45 on trainer:
MS: 2x20min(4min)@FTP+ time @80-85%+run 30min, MS 20min as out HMP, back TP
Ride, 1:45, AP 221W, NP 238W, IF .88, TSS 135
int 1, AP 275W/ NP 275W, IF 1.02, cad 93, HR avg/max 147/154
int 2 AP 275W/ NP 275W, IF 1.02, cad 93, HR avg/max 154/161
int 3 20min@85%, AP 229W/ NP 229W, cad 92, HR avg/max 139/143
int 4 8min@85% AP 227W/ NP 228W, cad 91, HR avg/max 137/142
After that out on the run that I overcooked but got away with it this time, just don't like doing that:
3.1mi in 20:04, as 10min@6:36 pace, HMP target 6:45, +10min@6:31, TP target 6:35, avg HR 153.....
Pushed it a bit too hard, quad twitching began at the end and after cramping set in. 1mi@EP after all of that for CD. Stretching and rolling.
Sunday run, scheduled 75min, MS 2x1000@IP full recoveries, 2x 0.75mi(2min)@TP, than time @HMP.
9.5mi in 71min, avg pace 7:32, rTSS 128, IP=6:04 pace, TP=6:37 pace
MS: 2x1000m(500m) int 1 5:57, int 2 6:01, 2x0.75(400m), int 1 6:25, int 2 6:19
After that EP, no HMP time, legs beat up from overachieving, will not do that again, feeling it from yesterday. 1000s were not easy at all today and I had to grit my teeth here and there.
It was a solid week. I am feeling some fatigue but able to hit paces and power. I did overdo with going over the targets few times and am always scared of that, but as my wife puts, much like an alcoholic with speed and power. I hope to improve next week and not go over a single time. That is my next week's goal.
Have fun guys, tomorrow is a new week. I am on the road and no power and bike, just a stationary bike here and there if I find one.
Today is the first week of a VO2 block on the bike for me, so I'm looking at 8 x 1'/1' @ 120%...I guess I better get to it.