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How to Handle Crosswinds?

It seems like the majority of rides i have done this year have been with major crosswinds.  Does anyone have any bike handling tips or advice for keeping more stable when riding with crosswinds?  Not sure if it's more a matter of weight or the size of the side profile of the rider and bike.  I'd just like to know if there is any way to combat being blown all over the road.  thanks!


  • I think it's 90% confidence and practice, not weight. I'm 135 lb and run an 808 up front in all my races and have never had a problem even in very windy races. I don't have particular techniques. I think if you have confidence and are willing to accept that you'll get blown around a bit you should be fine.
  • Staying low and small, and having a strong core definitely help!
  • Confidence is definitely a factor, and don't be afraid to lean into the wind if it's very strong. It's another way of correcting yourself when the wind is trying to get you out of balance. Don't steer, just lean into the wind as needed.
  • I hear you on the wind. Its been crazy here also. I got blown into a ditch last week by a gust while I was running :-) Adding to the above comments, I always look a head for things that are going to break the wind. Sometimes a building or a row a tree's etc. Its nice to know so you don't over correct when the wind stops. But gusty wind is the worst. You just have to think if it as riding waves.
  • Yeah, for sure confidence is a big factor in my case.  I'm still skittish after crashing last december especially when the wind starts to move me around.  I'll try to focus more on leaning into it vs. steering into it.  Thanks, all!

  • x2 for lean v steer....in addition to that, keep your hands loose, it's easy to tense up and make controlling your bike a lot more difficult!!!
  • I think it's all about confidence. I recently moved to a deeper dish rim on the front, after leaving my trusty Hed Belgium front in a parking lot after a ride . It definitely catches the wind a good bit more but I'm getting more used to it. 

  • Thanks, Coach P.  I pretty much white knuckle it when the wind starts blowing, so i will make it a point to try to keep my hands more relaxed.

    Thanks, Coach R.  Sorry about your wheel.  When something like this happens to me i look at it as a excuse to buy more tri gear

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