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Insert a 3.5 mile race into IM Plan?

Hi Coach P.,

 I have the opportunity to run a 3.5 race on the Thursday of Week 10 of my IM plan leading to Lake Placid.  It is after work - a big workforce team race with thousands of people.  I don't have to do it, but many people from the office are and it would be fun.  If I was to do it, how would I modify the week?  Possibly race Thursday PM, then skip the planned swim and stride run on Friday and do my long run on Friday instead, maybe without any intensity but keep it at 1:45 min long?  Then keep the weekend as planned?  If you think this would compromise planned training too much I have not problem skipping the race.




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    @Jim, why else do we train then to rub our colleagues faces in it!!!! image Seriously though, do that run, then friday swim, and extend the friday run to an hour. Sat and Sun as planned. If you add in a 20' warm up, your run is like 6 miles...it'll do! Good luck!
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