First week IM plan ?'s...
First off...disregard my question that i placed in the wrong area.
So i have gone from OS plan to INT IM plan week 3. The swimming has begun, but do i need to do some sort of "test" like with biking and running? Did I miss that in week 1? Or is it coming up again and just be patient.?! Also...I have been building my long rides (not on trainer)on w/e's for a couple of centuries coming up (may 4th and June 1st--hope this is ok). I noticed this w/e I would be riding both Sat and Sun. At what point (miles ridden)would I NOT ride on Sun? Like if I ride 60 on Sat, would I still ride on Sun?
So i have gone from OS plan to INT IM plan week 3. The swimming has begun, but do i need to do some sort of "test" like with biking and running? Did I miss that in week 1? Or is it coming up again and just be patient.?! Also...I have been building my long rides (not on trainer)on w/e's for a couple of centuries coming up (may 4th and June 1st--hope this is ok). I noticed this w/e I would be riding both Sat and Sun. At what point (miles ridden)would I NOT ride on Sun? Like if I ride 60 on Sat, would I still ride on Sun?
Prep for centuries is okay, as long as you promise to ride them super steady and fuel like a champion (good race practice). That said, inside EN we have you ride Sat + Sun of EVERY WEEKEND! If you need a break we can work it in, but we like to maximize your weekend ride time (this is also why your long run is on Thursday).
Ok....(sorry to beat a dead horse) to get this clear....even if i choose to ride longer than what is proposed on Sat....STILL ride that amount u call for on Sunday.?? You are having us break up a long ride into two days so-to-speak?...with Sat being the longer of the two?
* Rest
* Short run only
* Maybe a bonus swim session.
* Ride an hour or so, I guess, if you are looking to boost your bike volume!
Is it a disadvantage to combine all bike hours on Sat? Or should I break it up over the 2 days? I'm trying to maximize time at home and would rather do the bike all on one day. Thx...