Sheri Hancey's confusion :-)
I just finished the JOS, and I am in the get faster plan now, but it has me starting in on week #4, going to week #8, but on my hard copy of my “Season Plan” it only goes to week #6. I am wondering why I don’t start in with everyone else who just finished the JOS. Jumping all the way to week 4 has me missing the t-pace swim test among other wo’s.
Then, after week 6, it has me going into “load up the 20wk IM plan to end at whistler, but again it has me jumping right into week #9. Maybe I have done something wrong. I do have a ½ IM in my plans for July 21st, could that be what is messing things up? I would so appreciate your help on this. Maybe a new plan needs to be written up?
Very confused…..
Sheri Hancey
PS. I am loving being a part of this team, and the wo’s are killer, and I love them. So, thank you for that J
I bought a tri top so I will be sporting the team logo at Whistler J
one more Question
I see in week 1 of the GF plan, that there is another Bike and Run test, in the JOS we just finished testing, so there is another bike/run test? And that is assuming I should be starting at week #1, I am thinking now that maybe I am supposed to jump into week #4 of the GF plan, please set this lost soul straight J
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The season plan I have for you, sent 10/24/12 (are we looking at the same one?) has you:
The short answer is to not worry about what everyone else is doing as I create these Season Plans for each member, individually, so every SP is custom to each athlete.
I believe that we have included in GF Wk1 guidance for those test days that if you don't need to test then do _this_ bike or run interval workout instead.
That is, many people are coming into the GF plan straight out of the last week of the OS plan (ie, having tested), others are coming into the GF after a race, others...and just doing the GF plan, so those tests are in there but they are optional.
Let me know if this should be more clear in the workout guidance and we'll fix it.
okay, I think I get it. so am I correct that i should be starting GF week #1, substitute the test for running and biking with some intervals, but do the swim t-pace test. right? that will take me to week #6, not all the way to week #8. after week 6 in the GF plan, i jump right into IM week #9 and follow that until IMC on Aug 25th? I just want to clarify, that I DO NOT start IM at week #1, but in fact start in at week #9.
Thanks, Rich.
Yes, that is correct. More specifically, by the time you get to where you are to load up the IM plan you will be much more fit than Wk1 of the plan assumes you to be, which is why I have you starting in Wk9 instead. It is a better fit for the fitness you'll have at that time.