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Split long bike b/w trainer and road?

Has anyone ever split the Saturday bike session and started on the trainer and then took it to the road?  Only reason I ask is I live in a rolling hilly area where I can't keep Z4 power on the downhills, I run out of gears.  And there's also stop signs and traffic signals etc.  I thought about doing the warmup and the two 15' Z4 intervals on the trainer and then taking the rest of the ride outside where it's easier to ABP since the rest is Z3.

I'm just trying to save some time on my saturdays, harder to drive out to the comet and spend an extra hour on the training day


  • I can't say that I've done it, but I know that there are peeps in the Haus who do... Peter Greagg comes to mind as one of them, I believe...
  • THere are definitely people here who do that. It makes a lot of sense if your goal is to nail the Z4 intervals.

    That being said...don't be a slave to the plan. If you have the opportunity to ride hills (like the ones just North of you around Dahlonega....) go and shell yourself on them. You can generate some awesome work on long climbs.
  • nope, dont have time to get to the mtns (1.5 hr drive). hills around here which are all less than 10 minute climbs.
  • I've done it before. Ride the trainer until the sun comes up and then head outdoors. I don't make a habit of that because my ass doesn't want to get up that early but I have done it.
  • Yep. I have done all my FTP and VO2 max intervals on my Computrainer, and then hit the road for the rest of the long bike.
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