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Tim's let's get back running thread

Patrick, my recovery from psoas/pictoneus damage has healed nicely. Today, 1 month after the hurt I was encouraged to try running by my sports-medicine guy. My plan was to losen up everything with some dynamic stretching then start running like real slow and continue if pain free for 5min, walk 1min and repeat. I managed 4x5 then 3x3 with 1min/2min walk breaks. man it was good to run. So, i got'em like 4 full weeks to prepare for the 30k run at the world long dist champs june 1. Key question surrounds frequency and intensity. Z4 is likely out and i thought maybe slowly build some z3 week after week. Thoughts?

frequency, every other day, or 2 days on 1 day off. 

10-15 min z1-2 warm-up, 1-3x3'(3') z2-3, if pain is not flaring up add in 10-20' z1-2

then each session either up the number of z3 intervals or leave it at like 3 and add 2' each session.

For thur long run, we have a great mountain trail. I was thinking running the flats and power walking the hills and just go long and slow as I feel 40-50-75 min etc.


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    @Tim, so pumped for you. I think the 3' on / 1-2' off is good. I like the idea of z3 time but want it to be after z2, so it would be warm up...then 5 x 3/1 @ z2.....then the z3 time of 3' intervals. As for the long run, yes to powerwalking the hills...careful on the downs. Hills like that, even aggressive weekend hiking would be a great workout!
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