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TeamEN Event Information

Hi gang, here is the link for the event information http://tinyurl.com/bvfjtll (Team dinner location, After Race High 5's location and Day After Breakfast location).  Please not that Bob McCallum is the Race Captain, but will only be point for the dinner. So just show up at the other locations if it suits you.

For the dinner we need to have numbers by May 10/2013 at 9pm at which time Bob will call the manager and let them know how many will be showing up.  There is no prepayment. We will be ordering off the menu.

As you can see on the event sheet, I need your bib numbers, so I can pass them on to Mark for our tracker and if you all want to meet for a swim/bike or run, I need a suggested date/time and location that I can put up on the sheet.

I also need team Bio's STAT. Let our team know who you are and why you have choosen IMTexas as your Ironman or one of your Ironmans for the year. You can send that info to brenda@endurancenation.us

Last, but not least we need a meet up place and time for the morning of the race for a team pic.  HELP! 

Keep checking back here regularly for updates as this is where your Race Director and Race Captain will be communicating with you.




  • I'd like to have a "ballpark" headcount for dinner sooner than May 10th if possible so that I can reserve the space. I gave them a number between 20-40 and was told they needed more specific numbers because they can't give us space for 40 and have only 20 show up.
  • Kitchen party of 2
  • Lombardi...party of 1 ( holding out for 2...but can't confirm)

  • No show for the Ezell party. My support crew comes in at 1800 on that day, so I will be picking them up at the airport while ya'll are eating.

    However, I do see coffee and breakfast happening because I definitely want to get some of the EN mojo going.

    Bob/Brenda, thanks for the heavy lifting for the logistics. It really helps improve the experience.
  • Put it on the spreadsheet, boys.
  • Silly question. How do we write a BIO
  • That's funny. That post above was suppose to be a text to my kid. Was wondering what happened to it.
    @ Roy thanks for examples
  • Bob is BOSS when it comes to the team dinner. Put up on the event page whether you are coming or not to the dinner please.
  • If the EN dinner is May 16th at 5:30 it will conincide with the "Welcome Dinner/Banquet" happening at the same time.
  • That pretty much happens at every IM with the EN dinner. I guarantee our dinner will be better.
  • I'm with Bob on this one, however I understand that if someone is new to IM and wants to get the full experience of the event, they will want to go to the IM dinner, but that is why we have the Post Race High 5 meet up place and the Day After Breakfast location where you can go and meet up with some other EN'ers who want to share how their race went . Scheduling is always an issue when it comes to working around an IM. You should see what is happening at RevQuassy 3. Nightmare.
  • Ditto Brenda &  Bob....

    Of course I do understand if folks want to attend the IM event...

    ....I've always followed one of the pieces of advice offered up/suggested by R & P.......check in and then stay away from the crowds.. I've never been to the actual IM dinner....prefer the relaxation offered (and time management) of the small group dinner.

  • Posted By Joseph Lombardi on 28 Apr 2013 06:38 AM

    Ditto Brenda &  Bob....

    Of course I do understand if folks want to attend the IM event...

    ....I've always followed one of the pieces of advice offered up/suggested by R & P.......check in and then stay away from the crowds.. I've never been to the actual IM dinner....prefer the relaxation offered (and time management) of the small group dinner.

    Also the reason why I avoid staying at the host hotel for travel events, avoid the expo, avoid the "mandatory" meetings, avoid the IM dinner, etc.  All the crowded, forced events just aren't my cup of tea.

    The real reason is I find most triathletes extremely annoying but don't tell anyone. 

  • So what you guys are saying is that I shouldn't come to dinner in full cycling attire to include aero helmet image.

  • Posted By John Kitchen on 28 Apr 2013 08:07 AM

    So what you guys are saying is that I shouldn't come to dinner in full cycling attire to include aero helmet .

    If you went to the IM dinner you'd fit right in. 

  • Sherlock, party of one. Doubt I'm going to get the immediate family down there this time, but I have an Aunt, Uncle, and cousins that may come for support.

    Looking forward to the race; not looking forward to relocating to Austin so close to race day...ugh.

    Also, does anyone know when we purchase pictures for the race? I can't remember, but I thought I did this before IMLOU race day.

  • You could have pre-ordered pics when you registered. You can also buy them the morning after the race. Both ways are discounted compared to when they send you the email a week or so after the race.

    It's funny. I got my race pics free when I did IMFL in 2010 and IMTX in 2011. Never paid for them. Just got an email after each race saying "Here's the link and code for your pictures." I wasn't about to pay $100+ but I'll take them for free.
  • times whatever on have not yet made it to an official IM dinner. But now that I really think about it, where else am I going to wear my cool "hey look at the big race I did" t-shirt, compression socks, and mirrored sunglasses? I mean, no one that does Ironman has ever done any endurance event prior to these things and will be totally impressed with my look, right???

    But seriously, I use IM race week to wear all my vintage Star Wars t-shirts and show up those geeky Star Trek losers! That's what really important. However, the new Uhura is really hot and I don't even know who the blonde in her underwear in the new commercial is, but I have to check that out. Don't tell my fellow Comic-con fanboys.
  • where is the spreadsheet
  • disregard previous message. Found spread sheet.
    @ Brenda will have athlete bio to you soon
  • I'm going to miss the dinner but look forward to the post race high fives and beers! I just hope some of you guys are still around when I cross the line and make my way over to the joint...gonna be a 13 hour day for this kid.
  • @Dwight, I planning on being the last EN'r to cross so don't steal my thunder dude! HA!
  • Jay, maybe you and I can cross arm in arm. Unless Scottie beams me up on mile 18, it's going to be a long day for me too. I plan to race long, but prosper.
  • "Please, Sarah, not in front of the Klingons."
  • Is 10 all we're going to have for dinner on the 16th? Let's make sure everyone is putting their info on the event spreadsheet.
  • Sorry Folks, I have not been able to get the spread sheet to work.
    Sarah Gardner 2 for dinner and 2 for post race breakfast.
  • Reconfirming...Just wanna make sure ya got me on the dinner spreadsheet (I did put my info. in)....and definitley Post Race beers....and will do breakfast too!...(I didn't see anything on the spreadsheet for breakfast..)

  • Hi:

    I tried adding to the row on the spreadsheet and it didn't work. I can't access the spreadsheet at work so have been trying to do it on my phone.

    2 for dinner!

    And while I would love to do post-race beers, I will still be out on the course at that time. image


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