Ann Sloan - Micro Thread
Hi - hope this is the right place vs macro.
I am in the GF plan - week 5.. I am starting Masters Swim on Tues/Thursday - I need it! So freaking slow. Anyway..since the plan calls for swims on M/W/F I am wondering what to switch up. Really only worried about Tuesdays since Thursdays I can do the bike after work.
current GF typical week
- M - swim
- Tuesdays are normally Hill Run/Bike -
- Wed = swim and run
- Thurs = bike
- Friday = swim optional run
Please let me know best way to switch it up.
* M - swim / drills
* T - Masters & Hill Run
* Wed = Tuesdays bike & run off the bike.
* Thurs = Swim and Bike bike
* Friday = swim, NO run
Let me know what you think!
Anyway...before they announced Whistler, they announced Tahoe. I signed up for Tahoe, since can't get a refund and know a ton of folks doing it...figured I am going for it. I DON'T expect a PR....I have listened to the webinar so understand the course. Last year I went to Tahoe did a 1 mile swim, 72 mile bike and 1/2 mary. Felt ok in the altitude - granted that was over several days.
MY QUESTIONS - finally right??!
I assume take this week completely off...maybe spin on Sat / Sun
What plan, if any, should I load up for the next few weeks??
If no plan, can you sketch me out something?
Thanks....don't worry after Tahoe taking time off ..and no IM in 2014
I would load the Beg Plan to end on Tahoe as a reference point.
Next week = 3 swims and 3 bikes...all pretty easy.
Week after next = Plan as scheduled, but intensity low...
We can talk from there.
NOTE: You will start bonking at mile 3 of your bikes, mile 1 of your runs. You have to eat / drink to compensate / overcome this!!!
I am doing the marathon plan on Week 6.
Saturday says: MS: 8 miles @ z1/LRP, last 2 miles at z4 / TPace.
Sorry but does that 10 miles total or 6 @ LRP and 2 @ TP.