Short Course w/o 4/29
Rest day for me. Was fairly productive... Got a much needed haircut and went grocery shopping. This week will require some flipping... Doing a 10k bike TT on Wed. night so I will prob swim tomorrow night. Then Thurs. night is off again as we're going to see Jillian Michaels. I might have to do an extra bike or something on Fri. or maybe even a workout in the morning before work *gasp*.
I think some of you were curious about my carb-free-ness so far so here's that post:
Have a great week!
next week I am on vacation down in SC and OBX - lots of golf (my other time consuming hobby)
Joe H. - Last week I think you asked about my left hip. Basically it's always been tight w/less range of motion than my right. Very evident when seeing my pedal stroke on video. I've never really focused on improving it (thinking it was an anatomical issue), but a bike seat positioning error during the OS kind've forced this issue. Now I see a chiro 3x week to apply stem and some A.R.T. and basic hard stretching to break down the scare tissue. I spend a lot of time on the roller and doing various hip/glute exercises (probably similar to what some EN peeps worked on thru P.A.P.) It has definitely improved my flexibility in my hip but still not equal to my right. Side affects have been a seemingly slight change in running gait, which I think is for the better, but it is applying pressure to new muscles and joints in lower back that create some soreness when running fast. So I do feel like I'm re-learning my running gait to a small extent.
@Pete - thanks for the insight. I also just changed my seat and am working through the fine tuning.
@Aleksander - you inspired me to do some 100 IMs today. Nothing serious, but enough to remember my old swim team days!
This morning's run workout was the hardest I have done in several months, week#9 Adv SC. It was the 4 X 200, 2 X 800, 4 X 200, 2 X 400 all at Z5. I had to just swim at lunch to workout the stiffness. I have another sprint on 19 May and I think today might be one of those key workouts you can look back on and say - it made a difference!
I'm doing first week of VO2 block...did:
10' WU
10' @ 85%
2 x (4 x 1:00/1:00 @ 120%/65%)
10' @ 85%
A little easier than Tuesday, but still challenging. This is a hard week, and I'm finding myself going to bed much earlier than usual. Probably a good idea anyway!
Hello SC crowd.
Pete-nice job with intervals, good luck at your race. You will do well. Even better next week, some club swinging action. Nice. Nobody wants to play golf with me, they all say I am dangerous with the club in my hand
, I never played anything but mini golf with my kids and that turns more into hockey.
Kim-congrats on that bump!
Joe- love motivating you for variety. There is a nice simple mod to EN flavor that I use when I am bored, say 12x100 as 50fast/50ez, I turn them into: 12x100 as 50 stroke IM order/ 50 ez FR, other strokes put me into VO2max right away, much like 50FR fast, in this example every 4th is all FR and I go easy, than no 5 is all IM......short and effective but more important, same objective as EN assigned workout, does not tax me more.....breaks the monotony that I am very easy to encounter swimming alone.
Here we go, Monday was a day off, needed rest. Tuesday I needed more rest so I went easy, removed all intensity out, easy bike 80min, easy run 45min. Wednesday, I decided to give it a try for interval run but dial back and let my legs tell me what they can handle:
SC adv, 3x [1200m(600m)400m(200m)200m(200m)] all@IP, target 6:13-6:05, track, weather 70F, humidity 70%, wind S@6mph, it felt very humid, I was drenched during the warm up:
set 1 paces: 6:07 6:05 5:45
set 2 paces: 6:16 6:11 6:06
set 3 paces: 6:16 5:55 5:35
8mi in 62min, nothing great, getting overall slower on these runs as I removed HMP running after for recovery reasons. Legs felt tired entire time but I had no trouble producing 6min paces, anything faster would not be possible for longer, though humidity and temp do play a role, glad a dialed it back.
After that, 4hrs later, swim per EN flavor this time, 2700 SCM in 42min, boom, in and out, gotta love EN type workouts:
WU: 200sw/100k/200pull
MS: ALL SCM times
2x500@8:00 7:33 7:27
300@4:50 sw 4:31
300@4:30 pull 4:05
200@2:55 pull 2:40
200@3:00 sw 2:58
CD 200ez
Great work everybody, will post the bike today.
Joe- Yuk@ IMs. I don't think I could do a single stroke of fly! Way to go on the good, hard run.
Aleksander- SMart move with the extra rest and listening to your body. You've got some great run and swim paces there!
Today was my first group ride of the season and I was the only female rider today and managed to hang on. I did however forget to update my PM with my new FTP so overall was like .81IF vs. .88IF as displayed on Joule. Ooops. Still a nice effort for 27 mi in 1:50ish. (they stop several times to let people catch up .. sometimes its me but not always!) Then I had a SUPER CRAPPY run. Somehow forced 2 trips around my hilly block. Sub zone 1 speed but I did finish. My legs are still super heavy from Wed. night TT. Is that possible?? Plus, I did Wed. night 3 x 1000m run last night so that prob didn't help. I really love racing and doing other "stuff" as part of training, but man, it makes a mess of the "plan"!
"Cookies n cream" protein shake now I'm off to sunbathe with the doggies on the deck. Have a great day all!
The workout was 2 X 200; 3 X 1000; 2 X 200 all at Z5. My splits were 59; 53; 4:23; 4:18: 4:08: 54: 51. Now, I must say I might have been wind aided and it was 42 degrees when I started. But, it was the best times with this workout in three years with EN! Probably have done this at least twice every year - so that is maybe 5 total so far.
Good stuff! Since I think week #10 might be test week! Time to go to my wife's friend's home for a Kentucky Derby party!
Managed to hit run paces but no extra for me today. Legs still draggin' from Wed. TT then yesterday's ride/run on top of that. Really excited about Mon. rest day!!
Todays run was 2 x .5mi @ Z5, 2 x .75@ Z4
Z5 target pace- 9;53
#1- 9:19
#2- 9:55
Z4 target- 10:18
#1(.75) -10:17
#2 (1.25mi)- 10:25
Then I pulled weeds, put out the patio/deck furniture and cleaned up the garage a bit. Should have some nice SAUs in the bank!
Today I did the outdoor option and did 1.hrs at 20.8 AVSP with the 2 X 20" thrown in. I did the Z2/Z3 35" run afterwards and after the first 10" mile, actually started to feel good and ended up with a AVSP of 8:33/mi for 4 miles!
Then, I played hookey and did not go to church to have a date with my wife. We went to a Jazz festival at the city's botanical garden then to a burger joint for awesome burgers a couple of beers. So, I'll be extra good this week and go to church during lunch someday this week to make up for it. Gotta keep those angels working.
Now to plan next week, which is test week! I always have a certain amount of anxiety, dread, and anticipation as I go into this. Time to start by getting a good night rest after I plan this week out! Later!
Kim- bike literally ruins my legs. I have destroyed two seasons with bike training. It thrashes my quads for days and I did over train twice in 5 years on the bike and dug a hole. I can suffer so much on the bike that the damage from overachieving or pushing hard is so great. It is not a wide spread belief as everybody latches onto the run for describing over training. I had a very conservative approach to running and very liberal approach to is equally prone to over doing where cycling delivers no mechanical stress.
Joe- nice job on that run, great feeling running fast.
My weekend changed as I kept running around trying to solve the issue of my main bike out still. No bikes at all for me on Saturday.....long story....
My friend did a brick so I joined him and on the run. Funny, I literally came of the couch dressed to run, chasing him down the street as he lives 5 homes down. He was doing 3mi@race pace, so I went for him and got him, it took me 3mi in 19:34, 6:31 pace avg to get him. So straight cold 0 to TP, splits were 6:37, 6:34, 6;20, rolling terrain, Trainingpeaks says NGP 6:13 pace, I don't believe that thing much.......
Sunday, week 18 SC Adv., MS 3x1000@IP full recoveries+ 2x1mi(4min)@TP, 75min total,
total time 72min, 9.01mi,avg pace 8:02, very slow for me overall, TSS 102, but intervals were fast, I had a huge struggle keeping my breakfast down, it wanted to come back several times, on the 1st TP interval had to stop and let it settle....hate that...
3x1000m(500m) paces 5:47, 5:51, 5:54, positive split, did not like that
2x1mi(4min), paces 6:25, 6:39, toned it down in the 2nd to keep the food from coming back up
Nice temps, 46F, N@8mph wind and run done on the track. Not too bad. I am on the road again and workouts will be mangled up. I will do my best to stay on top of it.
Great work gang. Now onto week 19 for me. Maybe I get my fork so that I can actually ride my bike.