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A bazillion things can happen to the Lake Woodlands water temp in the next two weeks but....

There's a popular local sprint tri (CB&I Tri) that also uses Lake Woodlands and starts in the same spot at North Shore Park.  I think the race has been going on for 10 years or more and as far as I know it has never been wetsuit legal.  We have had unseasonably cool nights all spring.  Lake Woodlands water temp today was 69 degrees and it's projected to be cooler for the race tomorrow (67-68).  For comparison, the water temp for last year's CB&I was 84 degrees.  That's right, the lake is 16-17 degrees cooler than last year.  The lake temp dropped from a high of 84 at CB&I to 80 or 81 for IMTX last year.

It's a shallow lake so it warms and cools quickly so I doubt it would be under 76 degrees come May 18th but who knows.  Forecast for the next two weeks has some days in the low to mid-80's and other days in the mid-70's with some days of rain.  So the unthinkable could happen.

Moral of the story... bring your wetsuits, boys and girls.  Just in case.


  • thanks.  will do.
  • Thanks. Was already planning to bring it
  • I just went over to packet pickup for the CB and I tri .... looks like its definitely wetsuit legal tomorrow... highly unlikely for our race but like Bob said you never know... I brought my sleeveless just in case.... Was going to wait in line to buy a slot for tomorrows sprint that they resell all the no shows.... Not interested.... In fact I wasnt there 5 minutes and someone wanted to get rid of theirs LOL!!!! Someone else said that tomorrows temp may set a low record in the Woodlands for the Month of May.... Not sure but I wouldnt doubt it.
  • Tim, are you here until the race?

  • We should meet up and have a beer some night. Where are you staying? Up in The Woodlands area I presume?
  • Absolutely. I'm staying at Extended Stay . Name the time and place. I'm free LOL. timcronk@gmail.com 603-512-7536
  • Tim, sorry I haven't gotten back with you on my beer offer. I had a crazy work week last week and I'm not sure the beginning of next week will be any better.
  • No worries... I'll meet ya next thursday!
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