Garmin 910xt Issues
Almost every time I do a pool swim my 910 doesn't display swim distance unless I turn the watch off and back on. I never remember to do this so I always miss seeing a portion of my workout distance on the watch. Sometimes it either misses a length or adds a phantom length. This morning I did a 2,000 meter swim workout and my history on the watch showed I was in multisport the triangle icon displayed on the history page and the distance was off by 25 meters.
Last week I did a bike ride and it did not record more than half the ride. In garmin connect the map showed just a straight line between the point where we started the ride and when the watch decided to start recording. After that point the map showed all the turns and curves and elevations, etc. I just updated the software sometime between this bike ride and my swim issue this morning. Very frustrating. Anyone else?
When did you pick up the unit? I've also read things in forums stating that the thing was originally delayed due to hardware issues (unspecified), and I have to wonder if maybe certain units are using hardware pieces that are problematic, and depending on how long the retailer has been stocking the watches, maybe you picked up a faulty one?
Have you tried Garmin support at all?
My biggest issue with my 910xt so far is that the run instantaneous pacing is pretty bad (bouncing between wildly differing paces with no real change in speed or RPE - liek, it'll go from 5:40 min/miles to 7:20 within 2 seconds). Secondary to that, the course following and redrawing is abysmal - so bad it's basically unusable.
One other thing I found unique with the 910 (at least compared to the 305) - once a workout is finished, you have to 'commit' it either via the reset button, or downloading the data, prior to the next activity - otherwise it'll think it's a multisport event. Don't know if maybe the issue you are seeing is related to that - like, powering it off and on commits data from a previous workout?
Thanks Ryan, I am about to try Garmin support for this issue as well as the issue you mention about pacing. I find that it takes about 100 meters for the watch to accurately display the current pace and this is very frustrating especially going from flats to hills. I also just noticed that when I select "Totals" on the watch it says I've cycled 891,350.56 miles and ran 337,246.11 miles! I just got the watch in February and I am good about my training miles but not that good
. I haven't done the math but I think that's about a lifetime plus training there.
I have not used the course draw feature that you mention, but it doesn't sound very useful if you keep missing turns and such.
If I get my issue resolved I will post.
Good Luck
I guess I'm lucky. My 910xt (purchased last November) isn't having any issues. I agree the run pace reporting is all over the place. I've also had a lap added/deducted from my swim and when I've gone back to see what happened in garminconnect it hasn't been clear where I had a half time or double time lap. Very odd.
Ken, I recommend you take a look at the 910xt firmware 2.7 problem page I've benn maintaining:
So I used my new 910 today for this weekend's run. I also ran with my trusty 310XT (running version 3.20), so that I could do a side-by-side comparison.
The programmed run was:
The distances were very close. After 1:15, the distances were 9.23 and I call that a wash. My biggest issues with the 910 though were:
- the instantaneous pace was at least 1 min/mile faster for all paces....warmup (8:40), interval (6:58), rest (15:00), etc. However, the lap times were within a few seconds of target. Huh????
- I program target paces into the unit, and the 910 was much more sensitive than the 310. The alerts were rapid fire: Slow Down, Speed Up, In Desired Zone, Speed Up, In Desired Zone, Slow Down..... all within a span of 10sec sometimes. It is definitely not that way with the 310.
I am looking forward to seeing how it alerts for target watts on tomorrow morning's ride.Saw the same thing here -- got mine in early in the week.
Paces respond quicker but the average ends up near the same. I didn't do a side by side with my 305, however. I will do that tomorrow...
During 20 x 20" strides, as an example, I frequently saw paces under 5:00 at the end of the effort which NEVER happens with my 305.
It just seems more "twitchy" than older models.
I have not used my 910 enough to judge, but I was happy with my 310 instant pace.
While I agree with your assessment on how Instant pace "shouldn't work", in practice FR305 and 310xt both have "pretty good"* instant pace. Whether this was done with some predictive 10 second pacing math foo or some other Garmin magic, it roughly correlated with PE and was a useful indicator of your current pace. The 910xt however is all over the pace and can't really be used as any kind of guide. All that being said, I would enjoy seeing your write up on the subject.
* good enough to judge your effort by and finish the lap within a second or two of your lap (mile/km) goal.
The problem I see with using lap pace is similar to using 10 or 30 second averaging on a powermeter. It is slow to respond and it is very easy to get way off without knowing it.
In general, once calibrated for TP I find it to be easily accurate enough at all paces.
I have notice one odd thing, and I don't know if it is my running form changing, shoe wear, or some Garmin glitch, but every now and then the calibration is suddenly off. I have not changed the calibration factor, but suddenly it is no longer accurate. Usually when I do mile repeats at TP, I always start the first one at the same spot. After the mile is up I check the time to see if the footpod had me pacing it right. Usually right on - but occasionally I need do the periodic calibration tweak thing.