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COMING SOON: Ironman Course Talks, FREE for Members!


Back in 2009 or 2010, Patrick and I created a product called "Ironman Course Talks." These were ~90' movies/screencasts of Patrick and I teaching you how to race every inch of specific Ironman courses. 

Since we recorded those, many of the Ironman courses have been changed and EN's business/service model has change a bit as well, so:

  1. We are in the process of creating brand new Ironman Course Talks for ALL of the US Ironman events. IMTX, CDA, LP, Lou, WI, Kona, FL, AZ.
  2. These products, for sale in the EN Store for $49 each, will be FREE for all TeamEN members!

We will create a space for them on the site and make them available as they are produced. But to get you started, we can offer you the Ironman Texas Course Talk now. Go here to download the file. It's big, about 135mb compressed, so it may time out. 

Note: feel free to share the Ironman Texas Course Talk with your non-EN friends -- we want to give it away to the public as a means of pre-selling the Ironman community on the other Course Talks will be available for sale in the EN Store shortly. However,

Please do not give away the other Ironman Course Talks to your non-EN friends!!

You and the rest of the Team have paid for these products with your membership fees, incentivizing Patrick and I to create these and give them to you. But that model is not supported if you then give away these products to non-members. Do the right thing, thanks. 

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