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IMTX Race Week

Last week!   2200yds swim  43min..... full on taper mode!!!!

Be smart , pack well , travel safe all you Texas peeps!

Oh it was low 50's again this am!



  • Easy ride on MT bike with 3x6-8 minute hill climbs. Followed with 30 minute brick run with3x3 @7:00. Tomorrow swim only day.
    Looking forward to meeting everyone in Texas.
  • Going to do an hour on the spin bike tonight followed by a 30 minute treadmill run. Hauling ass to my local lake first thing in the morning to do a wetsuit swim just in case. Sounding more and more like wetsuit optional. Even if it's legal I'm not sure I'm swimming with it. Thoughts?

    Stoked for Saturday!!
  • I'll probably go speed suit regardless
  • Like John, unless there is a major AOG, I will go swim skin.
  • Hey guys. Anybody know a place to swim near woodlands. Anybody interested in getting together for easy swim on Wed/Thursday
  • I would like a easy~2k swim either Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning. I would also be willing to get away from Woodlands (30 minutes or so) to do it to prevent massive Tri-geekage (I say that fully acknowledging that I am adding to that same geekage)...
  • i plan on Lake Conroe swimming.    beach fairly close to Conroe best I can tell.            maybe we could do that.

    will definitely wear wet suit if Kona folks can.     as I mentioned, I need the warmth.

  • @Robin. That sounds good. Would rather do OWS. What do you think Roy?
  • Would be great to do a lake swim on Thursday if possible I'm in...I'm bringing my speedsuit and my sleeveless/shortjohn Wetsuit just in case it is wetsuit legal......

    1hr roadie bike ride tonite...+ short run....would like to swim tommorrow pre-flight but it may not be possible...I can live with a day off especially if we can swim on Thursdsay now.

  • I plan to use sleeveless wetsuit if legal to be competitive and stay warm. I was really hoping for a wetsuit optional day towards the high end of the water temps. Oh well... If its optional towards the lower end I will have to go without and freeze!

    I'm up for swimming on weds , I was planning on the YMCA woodlands but would be happy joining in a OWS .... no can do on thurs since I gotta run to the airport....

    @Robin.... I drove by Conroe Lake on 105 and there is a park there. I looked it up... Is this where you were thinking ?

    I will also be doing the practice swim on Friday just for sighting and situating the time of day etc! Again me thinks this the bes time for a team pic!
  • @Tim -- I'm with you. Sleeveless wetsuit if it turns out wetsuit legal unless we're bumping the limits...I don't want to bake in it.

    I'll be at the practice swim at 8am sharp and, I agree, best place for a team picture.
  • I'm down with the OWS/lake and a short on site swim Friday.
  • I don't get in till Wednesday @3. Swim would feel good after plane ride
  • So are folks thinking Wed or Thursday Swim...I'm doing the bike course recon & ride (miles 40-60?) on Wednesday sometime after I get my bike from TriBikeTransport in the AM....riding with an out of town friend....so depends on when you go/if you go on Wednesday...

    My preference is to swim on Thursday....and may go out to Lake Conroe if you all go on Wednesday and say its a doable venue...

    Friday AM swim practice ...8am ...& team pic sounds like a good idear........

  • Of course my boss wants to meet at 4:45 today ...because she double-booked a reschedule of our earlier meeting time...and then she's 15min. late...all for something I already went over with her...aaaaaa...its a good thing she cycles and has an interest in my outside of work profession...LOL

    Anyway got home and got out on the bike...cool (57) & windy...s fought the wind for 15mi/47min/19mph...just spinning the legs...then took 'em for a spin around the block 2 snappy miles @ 7:03avg...time eat and think about packing....flight midday tommorrow ....Houston for dinner! Can't wait...

  • I would prefer a Thursday swim.

    I'm getting in around 10 on Wednesday and am going all my admin stuff (registration, bike-pickup, CO2 purchase, groceries, etc) right off the bat. Ideally, I would like to get my bike shake-out ride done Wednesday as well, but that may be a stretch.

    Got an easy 3 mile run in this afternoon. Work tried to infringe on my mental positive mojo, but I wouldn't let it. Tomorrow is chill-ax day with a swim, a massage, and final packing - check list prep. Safe travels everyone!

    I regret that my first post here is to tell you I will not participate in IMTX 2013 because of a heart attack that occurred on April t

    I have been inspired and given great joy following the forums during my training for this event. You people are amazing!

    I knew for the first time, on Fri April dt, after my swim RR that I would be able to complete the Ironman event on May t

    I will be there and cheering for each of you.

    I will arrive in Houston Tue May 14th and spend the week with my son, who will be racing his 14th IM

    May each of you have a great week and successful race


  • Ok Marvin.   Hope you are healing well.    See you out there 
  • We're looking forward in meeting you Marvin and get well quickly because it would be fun to see you participating out on the course. Safe travels everyone!
  • Under the circumstances Marvin it is totally understandable and we will be grateful that you will be in Houston!..Good Luck to your son...and look forward to meeting. Cheers...

  • Marvin. Sorry you won't be racing with us. Glad you're on the road to recovery
  • So OWS on Thursday and recon swim Friday am?
    Going to try to recon bike course on Wednesday.
  • @John- Seems to be the plan. I"ll be at swim practice promptly at
    8am and will probably swim 30-45 mins. Let's all meet up and be ready for a EN team picture at 9am?

    1600 in the pool this morning...30 min run tonight. Taper Taper. image
  • @Marvin... That totally sucks... Glad you can make it to cheer on your son!!! Hope to meet you both... Heal up fast. Tim,
  • Wow Marvin, rest up and get better! Wishing you a speedy recovery.

  • I'm arriving Wednesday early afternoon and would be up for Thursday swim and other group stuff if the plan is short and easy!

  • Since nobody appears able to do a early Weds swim. I'm gonna stick with my plan and swim at the Y.

    WEDS-----I will available to help on a Weds bike Recon for anyone who wants it. I don't plan on riding weds having done an hour ride today but can show the course or drive a car so you dont have to do more than you want to . Lemme know.

    THURS---- Gotta go the Airport , check out of current place, and move to the new one , so will do my short bike/run early.
  • Hey guys-- I"m on the text alerts and hope to meet many of you there. If I don't, I just want to commend each and every one of you for a kick-ass training season and thank you as well. These threads have kept me motivated and inspired and I feel stronger than I ever have going to the start line. This will be my fifth IM and last full distance.

    I'll be online today but off as of tomorrow and off EN after I get back...I'm not sure how long R&P give us access after the race but hopefully enough time to share some war stories.

    Thanks again and GOOD LUCK and strong tailwinds to us all!
  • Has the text thing started yet?
  • @robin. Everybody is communicating through groupme. Check with Brenda if you didn't get added
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