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Garmin 305 help

So i think my Garmin has a mind of its own. I ran  5 miles out and then traced the same route home but made it back in 3.5 miles... I went to map my run and it was truly 5 miles long. So in about 3 miles my garmin dropped 1.5 miles. I downloaded it to WKO and the final few miles were like swiss cheese and was abotu 2/3 missing in the graph chart. Any suggestions? It seems to do this often but not to this degree ever...


  •  endurancenation.us.dnnmax.com/Commu...fault.aspx

    Phillip- Not sure if you did a search. Last week or so I posted a question about issues with my 305 in the Power and Pace section. Not exact same issue, but new weirdness in my 3 year old 305. Link is above.

    For me, I had to change admin stuff. I used to keep charger plugged in to a 4 USB port extra. Online said this could cause problems. Now I have it plugged in separate and have had not further issues. But check the thread for other ideas.

    Best of luck.


  • Thanks! Ill read up on your thread!
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