Rian Bogle's Macro Thread
Hey Rich,
Got some dilemma around my plan for the year, could use some wisdom. Quick summary: Been sick lots. 4 times since Jan. So between JOS and Adv IM plan for IMCdA Ive missed about half the training weeks. Doc thinks this is due to Thyroid problems, and will take a few weeks to stabilize under treatment, but should not be a hinderance to training from now out. I'm still hanging on to my peak FTP and VDOT from last year, but have not had a ton of volume in the past couple weeks, maybe 3 solid Thr-Sat-Sun combos in the IM plan. I see two options for my year:
1. Soldier on, do IMCdA knowing it will likely be sub-par but hope that getting there and finishing will still provide a solid training base for launching into a quick session of GF this summer and switch into Adv IM plan in mid-August for IMAZ.
2. Take a deep breath and reboot my season. Maybe soft pedal a few weeks while I get the hormone levels stabilized, then do a full GF plan to get to the FTP/VDOT place I had hoped to be at in prep for Adv IM plan mid-august for IMAZ.
3. Some other brilliant option you've thought of.
From a purely performance based perspective, which option looks to be the smarter method for getting the best performance out of IMAZ? Before all this, I had the goals of going sub-11 at IMCdA, picking up some more watts over the summer, and getting to low 10hr at IMAZ.
Any insight is greatly appreciated! Thanks man.
Sorry to hear about your health issues!
From an IMAZ performance perspective, it makes more sense to not do IMAZ, focus on becoming much faster across the summer through maybe a combination of the HIM and GF plan, then focus on IMAZ beginning about mid August.
More importantly, this is all just a game. Don't put your long term health at risk by training and racing an Ironman while you and your doc sort this stuff out...unless your doc says that's a good course of action. In which case you can always have a good race as long as your definition of success fits within your new constraints.
Thanks so much Rich! Helpful to get that feedback. Thats the way I'm leaning myself. I just have to give myself permission to let go of IMCdA.
Hope you have a great moto trip next week!
OT: I may be doing a moto ride in your area + CO, staging with some friends out of Flagstaff. This would be in early/mid July. Maybe I could park my truck at your place?
Absolutely! Anytime. We have a guest room and Camp Trailer parked in our side yard w/ 2 queen beds in it if you want crash space too.
Hey Rich,
Okay, been plugging away with the Get Faster Plan for a few weeks. All systems seem to be go, blasting out 1 mile run splits fastest in 20 years, and Bike FTP is slowly creeping up!
Theres a local HIM August 11th Id like to do, but I'm really more concerned with getting the most increase in FTP between now and Aug 19 when I cut over to 12-w ADV IM plan.
So do I
I love the amount of FTP and run interval work in GF but to do long work I much prefer the scheduling of the HIM plan (long run thurs, long rides Sat/sun)
Yeah that makes sense, thanks! Will do!
Hi Rich!
Its that time of year again. I'm trying to figure out what to do for the next 10 weeks. Basically my schedule for the rest of the year looks like:
Apr 5 - June 6: ????? (9-10wks)
June 6-20: Vacation in Maui (probably no bike, but runs and OWS very possible) so good Transition/light training period
June 20-Aug10: HIM plan 7 wks
Aug 10-Aug24: Transition
Aug 24- Nov 15: IM 12 wks
I just got off a 3wk trip for work with very little training possible (few runs a week), so it was an early end to the OS for me. Right now I'm 5% below last years peak FTP, and above peak VDOT. Id like to keep building Fast, HIM is not high priority A race, just a good benchmark race.
So Im considering a few options for the next cycle:
1. Do OS + swim MWF. I really like the format of the OS this year, and I seem to respond well to the 110% interval work, so Im tempted to reset the OS to end in June, add swims, and towards june make the sat rides longer.
2. Do GF and mod some of the later week 20' FTP work to do 5-10' 110-105% work.
3. Load up the HIM ADV plan now and just get to it. It looks like the early weeks of the plan have quite a bit of Z4 work in them too.
What do you think?
I think the GF plan is a better option for you right now. You'll have plenty of time to be in the HIM plan after this GF / vacation block, so no need to be in that plan right now. And the OS + 3x swims per week is basically the GF plan, but the GF plan adds long bike and long run volume as well.
Makes sense to me. Will do. Thanks!