@Kori, great to have you "back" in my micro world!!! Here goes...
#1, yes when you start the OS you do that "hack" for weeks 1-6 on Thursdays...
#2, yes, as a special case per your swim options have the 3rd swim there...if not in week 1 or 2 maybe by week 3...
#3, it's a benchmark, not an absolute. Don't talk shit to me about your body comp etc when you put up the fasted bike split in LP in your AG. Body comp is not the limiter you think it is...had you been healthy running Kori for the final 6 weeks the outcome would have been way different. Play with Withrow if you want, but you know what would REALLY F with his head (does he read these???), if you ate all that sugar and still got it done. But maybe I am saying that because I am eating chocolate as I type this...
Happy New Year, Coach P. Need your help on how to schedule my OS weeks. The typical week has the Mon/Fri off with longer stuff on Sat/Sun. Here's my constraints: I have to do my two longer days on Fri/Sat instead of Sat/Sun which makes Thursday and Sunday my supposed "off" days. I do teach cycle class on Monday mornings, so my initial thought was this:
Mon - teach cycle early AM; interval run at lunch time Tues - bike/run AM Wed - swim AM; interval run at lunchtime Thurs - off Fri - swim AM; long run afternoon Sat - long bike/run AM Sun - swim or off
The problem with this is that I'm only getting in two "quality" bikes a week. The Monday class I teach probably gets me some Z3 work but nothing in Z4 really (I have to be able to talk). Should I put another bike on Thursday? I can do that, no problem. Feel free to move this around. Like I said, only constraints are that my "weekend" is Fri/Sat not Sat/Sun and I teach Monday mornings.
Keep in mind that I'm doing the "how to build your IM marathon" hack plan with the 5 runs per week (1-30, 2-45, 1-60, 1-90) and the modified bike for the VO2 sets.
Kori, happy to help...but a warning this might take a few iterations as I struggle often getting this right!
** EDIT** I made some changes but then remembered you are a bike monster and need run frequency and swim time. You totally tried to sneak that one by me...SO, I think the best deal is trying to see if you can do some solo Z4 at the end of your class...basically transition from your class to the back of the next one for like 20 minutes...and just kill yourself then. So kinda 1 workout / 1 shower? Would that work?
I wish I could do that, but I usually teach class then literally haul ass back home so that Eric can leave for the fire station and I can get the kids and myself out the door on time. There are occasions that Eric doesn't work Mondays, in which case I could do the Z4 add-on, but that's rare, so I'd rather not count on it. I'm fine with doing two workouts in a day. I've gotten really good at blow-drying my hair in 5 minutes or less. ;-)
Also, I don't want to sacrifice too much bike time. I'm not thrilled with how I feel getting back into my FTP zones right now. I'm sure this is just because I'm at the very beginning of the OS and comparing it to the end of last season. Oh how far I've fallen.....lol!
Like I said, you can really do anything as long as you keep my Monday mornings open for teaching class and leave my two "longer" days on Fri/Sat. Also, workouts have to be either early AM or at noon. I can't do evenings.....kids get me then.
@Kori, just so you know you aren't SUPPOSED to feel thrilled about FTP right now. You are 7 months from A race in a run focus. FTP will come...patience, young grasshopper.
If you are getting 2 "quality" rides I assume this means FTP / Zone 4 work...(tues and sat). The only think you are missing is some VO2 time. which would be something like 10 x 1 minute, etc...can you work that into your class? I think your class would love it and would be okay with you not talking for 1 minute.
In case you can't tell, I really Really REALLY don't want to start pushing out your schedule just yet. There is plenty of work to come!
"I think your class would love it and would be okay with you not talking for 1 minute. " <---- You're assuming I can go one full minute without talking in general? Have we met? ;-) <br /> OK, so let's lay this out then and tell me if this looks OK, because I like things crystal clear:
Mon - teach cycle early AM; interval run at lunch time Tues - bike/run brick AM Wed - swim AM; interval run at lunchtime Thurs - off Fri - swim AM; long run late morning Sat - long bike/run brick AM Sun - swim or off
This gets me 5 runs a week and 3 swims, and 3 bikes. I'm thinking that I can get some Z4/VO2 time in on Mondays when I teach. Then on Tuesdays I will do the 5 x 5' (5') at 110% FTP "hack" that you created. Saturday will be the FTP bike as prescribed in the plan for Saturdays.
I only have to do 2 separate workouts on Mondays and Wednesday, as everything else I can do back-to-back, no problem. This also means that Mon, Tues, Wed are hard....Thurs rest....Fri, Sat hard.....Sun rest (or swim).
Thoughts? You can change that still, I just need to know what the heck to doooooooo......
One final note: FTP test shows me that I'm not nearly as far behind as I predicted. I think I was just being lazy. :-)
@Kori, dunno how I missed this, so sorry! I was laughing at just how much your class would PAY for you to STOP talking for a minute. Hahahahaaaha. 'Cuz that NEVER happens to ME.
Your weekly plan is good. As a side note -- cuz you always need an exit plan -- the FIRST thing to go should you feel stressed, tired, etc, are the Wed/Fri AM swims and you SLEEP IN. Remember, all this work now for your future race is no good if you muck it up and can't train at all....
Kinda random question, but think it's worth asking.... I am fighting a cold that my kids decided to pass on (at least their paying attention when I talk about sharing!), and I woke up feeling that achy, hollow kinda thing going on. I got the swim in with the masters group and then headed out mid-day to do my run intervals. First interval was really high RPE for the pace I was actually running, so I bailed on the rest of the intervals and just did the distance. In the interest of "run durability", I assume it's preferable to still hit the volume without the intensity in situations like this? I didn't need to completely bail (I wasn't THAT sick), and I prefer to hit my volumes at least. Based on my new schedule that we confirmed above, I'm off tomorrow anyway and should be back to my usual self by Friday, so not really a big deal in terms of triage. Just wondering.....
Hi there, So I'm coming up on the "run adaptation" portion where you advise a 28-day run challenge (as noted in the PDF file you created). I did the math and this breaks down to around 4-5 miles a day for me for the 28 days. Does this mean I drop the long run completely for the 4 weeks that I'm doing this? That makes me nervous. I've been running 30 miles/week for the past 3 months with a long run of 11-12 miles most weekends. So for the 28 day challenge I just run 4 or 5 miles every day for 28 days straight? I'm assuming I keep my bike and swim workouts in there with it, right? Thanks! Kori
@Kori, yes..yes, and yes! So your regular plan continues so work in the intensity as best you can. If you normally run 30 miles a week, I would suggest you put the long run at 10 miles for the next month -- that's long _enough_ to keep that long adaptations. Then you get 5 days of 4 mile runs each. So we are only missing one day....I would add another 4 miler and and roll with it.
So somedays the 4 miler is your warm up before a real workout, other days, it's the intensity session. If you need to go longer than 4, say 6, to get your repeats in, then do that nd cut the "bonus" run day down to 2 miles. Feel free to map that out in a table or rows for my review!
Need to check my bigger picture with you right quick:
I’m starting (today actually) the 28-day running streak per your guidance above. I’m finishing that up about 2 days before I’m doing a 3-day “big bike block” in the Blue Ridge Mountains. I had originally intended on heading to AZ, but now my presence is required that week in Mexico (not the “good” part of Mexico) for work. So here’s what I got:
Feb 24-Mar 24: 28 days of running with normal bike and swim sessions
March 26: Travel to GA
Mar 27, Mar 28, Mar 29: Big Bike Block (80-100/day, up and down mountains, with Ray Brown. Yikes.) Any special way I should structure this or just have at it? I’ve never biked there before and there something about 6 Gaps and crazy elevation and I’m sure I’ll get my arse kicked.
Mar 30: Travel home
Mar 31: Leaving for MX for work -> only able to run Mon-Thurs this week. Should I treat this as an “easier” recovery week? I will be home in time for the bigger bike sessions over the weekend.
Then I have two weeks of “normal” workouts before I go to the Withrow bike camp on April 23.
So lots of opportunities for good volume, but also lots of opportunities to dig a hole that I don’t really need to fall into. Just need some general guidance on whether this is all a solid plan and how to best maximize it.
The plan looks good. Things that come to mind..as we have 4 weeks...keep the rides on the shorter side...3 x 80-90 is enough for Camp 1...don't let excitement of Day 1 overwhelm you and put you in a hole. Also road bike. Riding up and down gaps on a tri bike = no fun. Finally, good gear. That's still a cold time of year in the mountains...you'll want all your layers just in case. Great nutrition here.
Travel = run week but really recharge mentally before coming back to the weekend grind..try not to let training dominate you there. We can talk Withrow camp after you come back.
Let me know if you want more input on the BRP biking...
I am extending my "long" weekend ride to 2 hours (have done that the past 2 weeks), so that the GA trip isn't too much of a shock to the system. I will adhere to your guidance and stay within the 80/day limits. Is extending that ride to 2 hours sufficient, or should I go longer?
I am backing off to 2 swims per week while I'm in this 28-day run block. Logistically, I'm fitting in a workout every single day, so something has to slightly give. While my swimming isn't the greatest, it has been minorly improving (18:05/1000m last week unrested), so I think it could survive a minor set-back while I get through this run block. Thoughts?
vDot is stuck. Been running somewhere between 20:20 and 20:40 for literally every single 5k test I've ever done in EN ever ever (except the ones that were slower). I can't add more speedwork or I'll break down. Is it possible I'm just "set" in my pace ways? Will I EVER break 20? Granted I do alot of my testing on unrested legs (since I'm running alot). Any tweaks I need to make? Or am I just focusing more on durability than getting a ton faster?
Dammit! Didn't I set Kori to only be able to write 140 characters at a time? Stoopid website with the...oh...hey...how ARE you!!!?!?
Keep the questions coming...it's all good! I would get in one 3 hour ride before GA, but remember, the GA trip isn't about setting lifetime PBs on all segments. It's time in the saddle with a good last 30 minutes...maybe an hour. It is, after all, still early in your season relative to the work we'll want you to do to be awesome on race day.
Yes to minimal swimming, see note re race day far away above.
Re the run, give it time. You are such a strong cyclist that run gains are harder to come by...will be interested to see where your run fitness is after these 28 days...you clearly respond to work, so this should be a nice challenging, yet achievable, block for you!
Weird phenomenon today: I was barely barely able to hang on to the 3x15' FTP ride....and I actually had to drop the last 5' of the last interval because legs were DEAD. But then I did the brick run and was able to pull off a nice pace. Is this a by-product of me running everyday and putting in 35 miles last week? Nothing hurts, and I'm staring at a bike block of higher volume in a few weeks. So should I not be concerned that it looks like I'm "losing" bike fitness and "gaining" run fitness? Am I overthinking this? (You can say yes, it's ok to be honest....lol!)
Kori, it's never a problem to be so dialed into your body....I say that you are shifting fitness gears into a happy run place and it's hurting your bike (we only have so much bandwidth....and 3 x 15' is just THE DEVILS WORK anyway. Kidding aside, the fact that you hit the run I am not worried.
The day you don't hit the run...or you get off the bike and go to bed, you let me know. Please keep me up to date with the progress, and remember, no crazy running speed here, just the paces dictated please!
Yes, bad choice of words. This year it's all about your run and durability. Your bike is awesome and cool, but you know it and I know it and your AG knows it so...it's not so cool. It's obnoxious. Like the hot chick that knows she's really hot. Or something less offensive than that?
If they fear your bike, we are going to get you run self in order so that when they sit up late at night doing the math on how much they can "let you have" on the bike, little do they know that you will be untouchable on the run. Take THAT, you formula-creating fools!!! Boo yah!!!
Hi Coach P – I need some help with the next couple of weeks. I’m not sure when I’ll have a chance to pick your brain again between now and when I get back from Mexico, so I need a plan in place.
Background: I’m coming to the end of my 28-days of running. Actually, I’m past it, as today was day 29, even though I put in 5 miles after cycle class this morning. I’ve run 35 miles/week during this period and feel good. No pain, no excess fatigue, most runs felt strong, etc. I’ve also ramped up my long ride every week so I’ve done a few 2-hour rides, two 2.5-hour rides, and one 3-hour ride. I’ve been swimming twice a week. I’m planning to run again tomorrow (maybe 7-8 miles) to cap off my running streak, and I don’t plan to do too much running Wed-Sun, since we’re focusing on biking. I’m sure I’ll do a few shorter runs with JW since he’ll still be running everyday while we are there.
Questions: We’re planning to bike Thursday, Friday, and Saturday for sure. Some of it will be on the IM-Chatt course, some of it will be The Gaps, etc. We “may” add in a later ride on Wednesday, but that’s TBD with how long it takes us to get my bike put together, etc. Soooo, assuming I basically trash myself Wed-Sat on the bike (and steal someone’s recovery boots every evening), I need help planning out the following week. Here goes:
Wed-Sat: bike my brains out Sun – travel home and day off March 31, Mon – teach cycle class early am. (Swim after??); I fly out to Juarez that afternoon Tues-Thurs – I will be in Mexico and can only run (treadmill, unless my armed escort feels like chasing me down the street); I return home late Thursday. What do I do these days with the running? Run every day? Fri – weekly “long ride”/ short brick run Sat – weekly long run Then back to the normal schedule the following week? I won’t be able to swim much (if at all) in this time frame. Just forget about it and pick up when I get back? I can bring cords for dry-land work. Do that every day?
Sorry for all of the questions, but I need to make this all count and want to benefit from the extra effort. Historically speaking, when I’m allowed to make things up as I go, I end up in a hole. In an effort to avoid your drone being pointed at my house and getting slapped with “No winging it, Martini!”, I’m specifically requesting that you…cough…choke…. tell me what to do. Take advantage. And don’t tell Eric. ;-)
@Kori, really pumped with your running…would be interesting to review that data sometime to see how your fitness changed, if at all. Cuz I have so much time!!!
A Wed Ride, even for just an hour, would be nice to make sure that your bike is 100% right and ready for the next few days…plus you stretch out legs from the trip.
Thursday thru Sat is biking crazy. I am all for it as long as you eat and drink like crazy while you are on the bike. You and Withrow can shoot bad sugar calories with your laser-enabled iphone fitness trackers all night like good trigeeks, but on the rides you eat like it's your last day on this planet. Otherwise each progressive day will suck more than the first….and we don't want to jeopardize this time. I maintain we want a negative split each day's ride if possible…other than that be safe. Sunday off, Monday Class. Tues and Wed are easy: Tuesday is your interval run day. Wed do a 45' run with some pick ups of 1 minute at 5k pace (or as much as you can). Thursday is off / travel. Then back at it. As you have outlined (I am assuming Sunday off in that version you outlined).
Yes to swim cords and do 10' each day plus a bit of core work…and I want pics please!!!
Hey so need to check in right quick after epic biking (thanks again for the long-distance coaching).
I taught a pretty hard class Monday (yesterday) and ran 5 miles after.
I ran 5 miles this morning in a 92 degree gym in Mexico. I'm now a raisin.
I plan to run again tomorrow morning (Wednesday).
Thursday is off to travel home.
Friday I was going to go back to my usual long ride. Should I stay with the 3 hours or scale it back to 2? I'm still on a trainer for a couple more weeks, I think. I don't want to lose any momentum that I've gained from the volume pop, but yes, my legs feel fatigue today. Not crazy bad, but for sure loaded up on work. Thoughts?
Next question is the fact that this is the last "working" week for OS. Next week is test week. Then I'm supposed to do 2 weeks of swimming. Um....I don't mind swimming lots and lots, but I'm not crazy about taking a step back from the gains I've made on the bike (if any). Am I supposed to really step back on stuff for two weeks? Wha?
Last question is what to jump into after that. IMMT is August 17(ish?) so should I go into the IM plan or HIM? I am also following the "Improve Your IM Run" PDF you created, and would like to know when to start the 5 hour rides.
Sorry, this is ALOT of questions, I know. And I also know that you're THRILLED that I managed to get on the website from here. No rest for the wicked.....
I specifically ordered you be house in "La Casa Sin Internet" or something (hope that wasn't offensive!). I don't mind you dialing back on Friday to 2 hours...you have to ABSORB the training you did...and it will take about 7 to 10 days....just the lay of the land, don't shoot the messenger but more importantly, don't F up what you just started to build by not letting the concrete dry before walking on it.
I want you to test next week, at least on the bike...so that will take a day of just running 15 minutes / off time for the day before the bike test...so you'll need to work that out. Run test can wait until the end of the 28-day plan thing.
Swim Camp has bike and run in it...and we can hack accordingly. I like how you are like "I need to rest now, how do I change the plan" but when I have scheduled rest for you, you are like "Um, I don't need that" -- hmmmmm. I think Swim Camp should be re-branded Aqua Death Week and folks would be all over it like chainring tattoos on your calves.
Let's talk HIM vs IM when we get to your (soon to be modified) swim camp. I can't decide yet...
So I'm not entirely sure how you managed to arrange this, but...... I'm back from the bike "camp" and I actually feel great. I probably would've run and/or swam today but I ended up taking a sick kiddo with a double ear infection to the doc's in the middle of the night last night so I had to bail on working out today. Now because hubby had to change up his schedule to help cover sick kids, things are all messed up for the next few days. I can squeeze in a short swim or a short run (45?) tomorrow, but I have to be off on Wednesday. Friday is my 3 hr ABP ride and Saturday is easy spin. Thursday = run? I'm back to the usual plan next week so I just need help getting through this week. But, yeah....... My kids are helping enforce mandatory downtime so they're apparently on your side. :-) Lastly, I'm interested to hear your thoughts on "recovery". I envision it as being two-fold: what we do immediately after a workout (nutrition, etc) and what we do on a more delayed basis. what's your take on how best to really recover? We all don't have compression boots so what would you say is best practices when recovering? Ice baths? Foam rolling? That's probably a lengthy question, but I've heard a lot of opinions and would like yours. As always, much appreciated. Hope all is well!
Real quick amendment to my post above. I took today off too, just because I'm getting caught up in a big project at work for the week. So, my plan for now is: off tomorrow (not much choice there.....) run Thursday (long run?) and swim 3 hr ABP ride Friday easy spin Saturday (90min? longer?) run/swim Sunday
back to normal schedule Monday. Sound OK? Also, reminder about the recovery Q above.
#1, yes when you start the OS you do that "hack" for weeks 1-6 on Thursdays...
#2, yes, as a special case per your swim options have the 3rd swim there...if not in week 1 or 2 maybe by week 3...
#3, it's a benchmark, not an absolute. Don't talk shit to me about your body comp etc when you put up the fasted bike split in LP in your AG. Body comp is not the limiter you think it is...had you been healthy running Kori for the final 6 weeks the outcome would have been way different. Play with Withrow if you want, but you know what would REALLY F with his head (does he read these???), if you ate all that sugar and still got it done. But maybe I am saying that because I am eating chocolate as I type this...
Just teasing...you are my favorite tri-people, so I love seeing your comments wherever I get them! (You, too, Brenda!)
Need your help on how to schedule my OS weeks. The typical week has the Mon/Fri off with longer stuff on Sat/Sun. Here's my constraints:
I have to do my two longer days on Fri/Sat instead of Sat/Sun which makes Thursday and Sunday my supposed "off" days. I do teach cycle class on Monday mornings, so my initial thought was this:
Mon - teach cycle early AM; interval run at lunch time
Tues - bike/run AM
Wed - swim AM; interval run at lunchtime
Thurs - off
Fri - swim AM; long run afternoon
Sat - long bike/run AM
Sun - swim or off
The problem with this is that I'm only getting in two "quality" bikes a week. The Monday class I teach probably gets me some Z3 work but nothing in Z4 really (I have to be able to talk). Should I put another bike on Thursday? I can do that, no problem. Feel free to move this around. Like I said, only constraints are that my "weekend" is Fri/Sat not Sat/Sun and I teach Monday mornings.
Keep in mind that I'm doing the "how to build your IM marathon" hack plan with the 5 runs per week (1-30, 2-45, 1-60, 1-90) and the modified bike for the VO2 sets.
** EDIT** I made some changes but then remembered you are a bike monster and need run frequency and swim time. You totally tried to sneak that one by me...SO, I think the best deal is trying to see if you can do some solo Z4 at the end of your class...basically transition from your class to the back of the next one for like 20 minutes...and just kill yourself then. So kinda 1 workout / 1 shower? Would that work?
I'm fine with doing two workouts in a day. I've gotten really good at blow-drying my hair in 5 minutes or less. ;-)
Also, I don't want to sacrifice too much bike time. I'm not thrilled with how I feel getting back into my FTP zones right now. I'm sure this is just because I'm at the very beginning of the OS and comparing it to the end of last season. Oh how far I've fallen.....lol!
Like I said, you can really do anything as long as you keep my Monday mornings open for teaching class and leave my two "longer" days on Fri/Sat. Also, workouts have to be either early AM or at noon. I can't do evenings.....kids get me then.
If you are getting 2 "quality" rides I assume this means FTP / Zone 4 work...(tues and sat). The only think you are missing is some VO2 time. which would be something like 10 x 1 minute, etc...can you work that into your class? I think your class would love it and would be okay with you not talking for 1 minute.
In case you can't tell, I really Really REALLY don't want to start pushing out your schedule just yet. There is plenty of work to come!
OK, so let's lay this out then and tell me if this looks OK, because I like things crystal clear:
Mon - teach cycle early AM; interval run at lunch time
Tues - bike/run brick AM
Wed - swim AM; interval run at lunchtime
Thurs - off
Fri - swim AM; long run late morning
Sat - long bike/run brick AM
Sun - swim or off
This gets me 5 runs a week and 3 swims, and 3 bikes. I'm thinking that I can get some Z4/VO2 time in on Mondays when I teach. Then on Tuesdays I will do the 5 x 5' (5') at 110% FTP "hack" that you created. Saturday will be the FTP bike as prescribed in the plan for Saturdays.
I only have to do 2 separate workouts on Mondays and Wednesday, as everything else I can do back-to-back, no problem. This also means that Mon, Tues, Wed are hard....Thurs rest....Fri, Sat hard.....Sun rest (or swim).
Thoughts? You can change that still, I just need to know what the heck to doooooooo......
One final note: FTP test shows me that I'm not nearly as far behind as I predicted. I think I was just being lazy. :-)
Your weekly plan is good. As a side note -- cuz you always need an exit plan -- the FIRST thing to go should you feel stressed, tired, etc, are the Wed/Fri AM swims and you SLEEP IN. Remember, all this work now for your future race is no good if you muck it up and can't train at all....
I am fighting a cold that my kids decided to pass on (at least their paying attention when I talk about sharing!), and I woke up feeling that achy, hollow kinda thing going on. I got the swim in with the masters group and then headed out mid-day to do my run intervals. First interval was really high RPE for the pace I was actually running, so I bailed on the rest of the intervals and just did the distance. In the interest of "run durability", I assume it's preferable to still hit the volume without the intensity in situations like this? I didn't need to completely bail (I wasn't THAT sick), and I prefer to hit my volumes at least.
Based on my new schedule that we confirmed above, I'm off tomorrow anyway and should be back to my usual self by Friday, so not really a big deal in terms of triage. Just wondering.....
Vitamin C and Zinc....
So I'm coming up on the "run adaptation" portion where you advise a 28-day run challenge (as noted in the PDF file you created). I did the math and this breaks down to around 4-5 miles a day for me for the 28 days. Does this mean I drop the long run completely for the 4 weeks that I'm doing this? That makes me nervous. I've been running 30 miles/week for the past 3 months with a long run of 11-12 miles most weekends. So for the 28 day challenge I just run 4 or 5 miles every day for 28 days straight? I'm assuming I keep my bike and swim workouts in there with it, right?
So somedays the 4 miler is your warm up before a real workout, other days, it's the intensity session. If you need to go longer than 4, say 6, to get your repeats in, then do that nd cut the "bonus" run day down to 2 miles. Feel free to map that out in a table or rows for my review!
I’m starting (today actually) the 28-day running streak per your guidance above. I’m finishing that up about 2 days before I’m doing a 3-day “big bike block” in the Blue Ridge Mountains. I had originally intended on heading to AZ, but now my presence is required that week in Mexico (not the “good” part of Mexico) for work. So here’s what I got:
Feb 24-Mar 24: 28 days of running with normal bike and swim sessions
March 26: Travel to GA
Mar 27, Mar 28, Mar 29: Big Bike Block (80-100/day, up and down mountains, with Ray Brown. Yikes.) Any special way I should structure this or just have at it? I’ve never biked there before and there something about 6 Gaps and crazy elevation and I’m sure I’ll get my arse kicked.
Mar 30: Travel home
Mar 31: Leaving for MX for work -> only able to run Mon-Thurs this week. Should I treat this as an “easier” recovery week? I will be home in time for the bigger bike sessions over the weekend.
Then I have two weeks of “normal” workouts before I go to the Withrow bike camp on April 23.
So lots of opportunities for good volume, but also lots of opportunities to dig a hole that I don’t really need to fall into. Just need some general guidance on whether this is all a solid plan and how to best maximize it.
Travel = run week but really recharge mentally before coming back to the weekend grind..try not to let training dominate you there. We can talk Withrow camp after you come back.
Let me know if you want more input on the BRP biking...
I am extending my "long" weekend ride to 2 hours (have done that the past 2 weeks), so that the GA trip isn't too much of a shock to the system. I will adhere to your guidance and stay within the 80/day limits. Is extending that ride to 2 hours sufficient, or should I go longer?
I am backing off to 2 swims per week while I'm in this 28-day run block. Logistically, I'm fitting in a workout every single day, so something has to slightly give. While my swimming isn't the greatest, it has been minorly improving (18:05/1000m last week unrested), so I think it could survive a minor set-back while I get through this run block. Thoughts?
vDot is stuck. Been running somewhere between 20:20 and 20:40 for literally every single 5k test I've ever done in EN ever ever (except the ones that were slower). I can't add more speedwork or I'll break down. Is it possible I'm just "set" in my pace ways? Will I EVER break 20? Granted I do alot of my testing on unrested legs (since I'm running alot).
Any tweaks I need to make? Or am I just focusing more on durability than getting a ton faster?
Still reading this? ;-)
Thanks and sorry for the lengthy posting.
Keep the questions coming...it's all good! I would get in one 3 hour ride before GA, but remember, the GA trip isn't about setting lifetime PBs on all segments. It's time in the saddle with a good last 30 minutes...maybe an hour. It is, after all, still early in your season relative to the work we'll want you to do to be awesome on race day.
Yes to minimal swimming, see note re race day far away above.
Re the run, give it time. You are such a strong cyclist that run gains are harder to come by...will be interested to see where your run fitness is after these 28 days...you clearly respond to work, so this should be a nice challenging, yet achievable, block for you!
The day you don't hit the run...or you get off the bike and go to bed, you let me know.
If they fear your bike, we are going to get you run self in order so that when they sit up late at night doing the math on how much they can "let you have" on the bike, little do they know that you will be untouchable on the run. Take THAT, you formula-creating fools!!!
I need some help with the next couple of weeks. I’m not sure when I’ll have a chance to pick your brain again between now and when I get back from Mexico, so I need a plan in place.
Background: I’m coming to the end of my 28-days of running. Actually, I’m past it, as today was day 29, even though I put in 5 miles after cycle class this morning. I’ve run 35 miles/week during this period and feel good. No pain, no excess fatigue, most runs felt strong, etc. I’ve also ramped up my long ride every week so I’ve done a few 2-hour rides, two 2.5-hour rides, and one 3-hour ride. I’ve been swimming twice a week.
I’m planning to run again tomorrow (maybe 7-8 miles) to cap off my running streak, and I don’t plan to do too much running Wed-Sun, since we’re focusing on biking. I’m sure I’ll do a few shorter runs with JW since he’ll still be running everyday while we are there.
We’re planning to bike Thursday, Friday, and Saturday for sure. Some of it will be on the IM-Chatt course, some of it will be The Gaps, etc. We “may” add in a later ride on Wednesday, but that’s TBD with how long it takes us to get my bike put together, etc. Soooo, assuming I basically trash myself Wed-Sat on the bike (and steal someone’s recovery boots every evening), I need help planning out the following week. Here goes:
Wed-Sat: bike my brains out
Sun – travel home and day off
March 31, Mon – teach cycle class early am. (Swim after??); I fly out to Juarez that afternoon
Tues-Thurs – I will be in Mexico and can only run (treadmill, unless my armed escort feels like chasing me down the street); I return home late Thursday. What do I do these days with the running? Run every day?
Fri – weekly “long ride”/ short brick run
Sat – weekly long run
Then back to the normal schedule the following week?
I won’t be able to swim much (if at all) in this time frame. Just forget about it and pick up when I get back? I can bring cords for dry-land work. Do that every day?
Sorry for all of the questions, but I need to make this all count and want to benefit from the extra effort. Historically speaking, when I’m allowed to make things up as I go, I end up in a hole. In an effort to avoid your drone being pointed at my house and getting slapped with “No winging it, Martini!”, I’m specifically requesting that you…cough…choke…. tell me what to do. Take advantage. And don’t tell Eric. ;-)
A Wed Ride, even for just an hour, would be nice to make sure that your bike is 100% right and ready for the next few days…plus you stretch out legs from the trip.
Thursday thru Sat is biking crazy. I am all for it as long as you eat and drink like crazy while you are on the bike. You and Withrow can shoot bad sugar calories with your laser-enabled iphone fitness trackers all night like good trigeeks, but on the rides you eat like it's your last day on this planet. Otherwise each progressive day will suck more than the first….and we don't want to jeopardize this time. I maintain we want a negative split each day's ride if possible…other than that be safe.
Sunday off, Monday Class.
Tues and Wed are easy: Tuesday is your interval run day. Wed do a 45' run with some pick ups of 1 minute at 5k pace (or as much as you can). Thursday is off / travel. Then back at it. As you have outlined (I am assuming Sunday off in that version you outlined).
Yes to swim cords and do 10' each day plus a bit of core work…and I want pics please!!!
I taught a pretty hard class Monday (yesterday) and ran 5 miles after.
I ran 5 miles this morning in a 92 degree gym in Mexico. I'm now a raisin.
I plan to run again tomorrow morning (Wednesday).
Thursday is off to travel home.
Friday I was going to go back to my usual long ride. Should I stay with the 3 hours or scale it back to 2? I'm still on a trainer for a couple more weeks, I think. I don't want to lose any momentum that I've gained from the volume pop, but yes, my legs feel fatigue today. Not crazy bad, but for sure loaded up on work. Thoughts?
Next question is the fact that this is the last "working" week for OS. Next week is test week. Then I'm supposed to do 2 weeks of swimming. Um....I don't mind swimming lots and lots, but I'm not crazy about taking a step back from the gains I've made on the bike (if any). Am I supposed to really step back on stuff for two weeks? Wha?
Last question is what to jump into after that. IMMT is August 17(ish?) so should I go into the IM plan or HIM? I am also following the "Improve Your IM Run" PDF you created, and would like to know when to start the 5 hour rides.
Sorry, this is ALOT of questions, I know. And I also know that you're THRILLED that I managed to get on the website from here. No rest for the wicked.....
I want you to test next week, at least on the bike...so that will take a day of just running 15 minutes / off time for the day before the bike test...so you'll need to work that out. Run test can wait until the end of the 28-day plan thing.
Swim Camp has bike and run in it...and we can hack accordingly. I like how you are like "I need to rest now, how do I change the plan" but when I have scheduled rest for you, you are like "Um, I don't need that" -- hmmmmm. I think Swim Camp should be re-branded Aqua Death Week and folks would be all over it like chainring tattoos on your calves.
Let's talk HIM vs IM when we get to your (soon to be modified) swim camp. I can't decide yet...
I'm back from the bike "camp" and I actually feel great. I probably would've run and/or swam today but I ended up taking a sick kiddo with a double ear infection to the doc's in the middle of the night last night so I had to bail on working out today. Now because hubby had to change up his schedule to help cover sick kids, things are all messed up for the next few days.
I can squeeze in a short swim or a short run (45?) tomorrow, but I have to be off on Wednesday. Friday is my 3 hr ABP ride and Saturday is easy spin. Thursday = run? I'm back to the usual plan next week so I just need help getting through this week. But, yeah....... My kids are helping enforce mandatory downtime so they're apparently on your side. :-)
Lastly, I'm interested to hear your thoughts on "recovery". I envision it as being two-fold: what we do immediately after a workout (nutrition, etc) and what we do on a more delayed basis. what's your take on how best to really recover? We all don't have compression boots so what would you say is best practices when recovering? Ice baths? Foam rolling? That's probably a lengthy question, but I've heard a lot of opinions and would like yours.
As always, much appreciated. Hope all is well!
off tomorrow (not much choice there.....)
run Thursday (long run?) and swim
3 hr ABP ride Friday
easy spin Saturday (90min? longer?)
run/swim Sunday
back to normal schedule Monday. Sound OK? Also, reminder about the recovery Q above.