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Help with Garmin Connect

I got a garmin 910 this week.  And used for the first time today, set up an account and uploaded to garmin connect.  I have used a timex gps watch, and other devices, just not a garmin product

I had the gps mode turned, and linked it to my HR strap and Powertap hub no problem, and it recorded all that data.  When I go into garmin connect and look for the map showing my route there is a blank map with nothing on it.  Is there something basic that I am doing wrong?  Also it gives the details and the splits on the left side of the screen, but the charts are also blank. 

I went for a bike ride with this, and also went for my run today with this, and it was giving me all the distance information and pacing information while I was doing it.  And even in the device itself there was a basic straight line map showing how I went up the boardwalk a few miles and back, so it knew which direction i was going.

Thank you for any help. 



  • AH....got it resolved.
    If anyone else has this problem....what I was doing wrong was that i needed to download and install a plugin (communicator plugin 404 that was available on the garmin connect web site) for the internet browser program. Then the map shows up along with all the other charts and graphs.
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