Eagleman on Sunday, Heat & Humidity
Hi Coaches!
Racing my first 70.3 as an EN team member this upcoming weekend. This will also be my first time racing Eagleman. Ive heard it is a notoriously hot and humid race, especially the run where there is little to no shade. For the past 5 weeks (since becoming a member) Ive been training the HIM Advanced program. I feel significantly stronger going into this race than my prior 70.3 races, but am concerned that the heat and humidity will have an adverse affect my performance. Im fairly confident I have my nutrition down to where I can perform at my best, I just wonder if I should take some extra precautions in case the temps do have an impact. Any suggestions?
I've asked exactly this question recently, and this is what I got:
- If you can train in heat to acclimate and get used to the heat; there are physiological adaptations and learning. Learn what you can do in the heat (for nutrition, for pace) without running into trouble. I have to dial the nutrition way back and the pace way back.
- Electrolytes - salt-stick or endurolytes - help a lot in training and racing
- Pacing is everything - there is a race-heat calculator and some guidance here:
... and a thread here:
- Dial the run pace way back, and ramp up gradually.
- Lighter on the nutrition, esp toward the end of the bike and on the run
- Ice at every aid station - under the cap, ... wherever you can put it
- Considering cooling arm sleeves ...
Bottom line:
Adjust expectations, and be conservative on first-half run pace.
Hope this is helpful...may be stuff you know.
If you're not cramping then you're probably getting enough electrolytes. Whether a tab an hour is enough ... depends ... if you're drinking sports drink and getting electrolytes there as well then a tab an hour is enough. If you want you can up it a bit - your body can filter out a little extra if it needs to.
Race execution clearly becomes even more important in the heat:
- Whatever have in the tank on race day is what you have to work with - race execution begins with simple acceptance of the limits.
- If it's hot, make your goal a strong finish - prioritize a strong finish over an optimal time. Start thinking this way toward the last ten miles of the run.
- Take advantage of absolutely anything you can to keep the engine cool - the longer you can keep your temp down, the longer you'll feel strong.
Absolute pace and power numbers like those we work with every day at EN are great and useful, but if you attempt to race to those numbers when either the body or the engine are not up to it, then you will pay the price in the second half of the run. My advice - don't be discouraged by the slower times - this is what heat does - take it as information. Heat will impact everyone who is racing, and if you're running past people on your way to the finish in those last three miles then you'll feel like the race was a success regardless of your absolute paces.
It's also entirely possible that you get a cool and drizzly day...
Have a great race next weekend - I look forward to hearing how it goes.
Meant "Start thinking this way toward the last ten miles of the bike."
Makes more sense that way.
Oh- and enjoy the gatorade flavored snow cones that they hand out around mile 7- it's a life saver.
Gatorade flavored snow cones, now thats motivation to get to mile 7! Planning on 2 (30oz) bottles of Infinit Go Far on my bike and picking up a bottle of water at an aid station...typically Im good with the 2 bottles of Infinit for 56miles, so Im adding in the extra water bottle for additional hydration. Hopefully this will be just right and not too much, Im really nervous about over hydrating and getting the sloshy belly on the run.
I updated that Heat Pacing sheet.....please download the newer one here (same link as before, new file): https://www.box.com/s/0sh530z6qjcf8k0oe4cc
MY nutrition on the bike looks like this: 2 (30oz) bottles of Infinit Go Far, 1 salt tab (S!Caps) every hour, HS Waffle at mile 20 and 40. For Run,: gel and water mile 1, S!Caps and sport drinks throughout run, another gel around mile 6-7. I was successful with this nutrition plan at Timberman last August, but didnt have to contend with any humidity and the heat was moderate (low 80s and shaded areas on run).
Thanks for the updated link, will try and input data this afternoon.
I too would love to meet up with fellow ENers!!
Okay, here's a quick review of the bike. I am estimating a 3 hour ride, with your total calories coming in at 880 (293/hr) and sodium in at 1,891 (630mg/hr).
My two main concerns:
For the run, you want to eat when you feel good, not set on a planned time or distance. If you feel good in the first 4 miles, you might have your gels there and be relatively done....your body loses the ability to process food as the day goes on and you get more dehydrated (you lose a lot of water on the run).
Outside of food / fluids, you need to keep your core body temp down on that transition between bike (it has wind chill) and the run (much slower than your bike). Final 10 miles of the bike should be all about getting cool and wet with aid station water. 1st aid station on the run is the same (try to keep your shoes dry).
Good luck!
I did eagleman in 2011. heard several bike tires blow in the transition area on Saturday (I tend to have -5-10 lbs air in my tires anyway just 4 such occasions, etc). I agree with the hydration and nutrition info above.
doing eagle man this year also and would like to eat or just meet some en folks. i'll probably just wear an en shirt at least on fri and sat.in the race areas. will drive the bike and bike the run along with attend some of the talks. I don't come on the en website often enough. i'm mostly an email guy.
text me at my cell written above
Danielle let me know if post worked. Otherwise you can download app on I phone but it should work by text on any phone
Thanks Coach! Competition is stiff!
we would love to hear your thoughts about your experience last year.
Hope you all had a great race... I started writing my race report today, but not done yet.