Short Course 3-9 June
Hope everyone is healthy and training as well as racing at peak form! This is my test week and so anticipation for better test results is high!
Be sure to tell us about your races, Kim's race report last week is a fun read!
Hope everyone is healthy and training as well as racing at peak form! This is my test week and so anticipation for better test results is high!
Be sure to tell us about your races, Kim's race report last week is a fun read!
Have a great weeke of training everyone!
Now, completely recovered and ready for the run test tomorrow morning. Glad I get these over now.
@Jim or Ralph - just wanted to mention that last Friday as I put my racing wheels on my P3 Cervelo, the lock not on the dropout had somehow moved in and my race wheel rubbed against my frame under the seat post. Could not adjust and luckily my training wheel still fit. First time this has ever happened. Something like that happened in your race and I thought you would get a kick out of this!
So I'm in transition week but since I'm traveling this weekend, I didn't want to go 1 1/2 weeks w/ no biking so I figured some VO2/hill intervals would be "fun". Beautiful night here!
1' @ 1.25IF
1' @ 1.27IF
1' @ 1.29IF
1' @ 1.28IF
Then I deciided to play around and see how hard and fast I could get up the hill:
:48 @ 1.76IF
1' @ 1.53IF
1' @ 1.56IF
Good times. A whopping 16:30 @ 1.07IF. I may try to get in some running while in Cali over the weekend.....
I'm not back but I am clawing my way closer.
Got a 4 mile run in Monday with slow splits at about 9:30 / mile trying to take it easy. HR still mostly zone 4-5
Swam Yesterday with the coach. My pace was a hair slower than my usual 2 min 100 splits but OK since.
No biking this week yet but Friday and the weekend are looking likely and I will hopefully be fully recovered by then.
6 AM swim tomorrow.
I don't know what this viral illness was but it kicked my behind and now my wife has it.
I am totally getting jealous of all of you posting race results already. GOOD STUFF!
Hopefully I will have something worth posting soon.
@Ralph - getting close is progress. Patience is a good thing - if you can find some.
Nice work on the bike Kim before your trip. Did the a similar thing on Monday (normal day off) before my biz trip to Seattle. Hit the bike hard even though I raced on Sunday - gotta go when you can. I did get in a couple of runs while out here in the great NW. I'm now at a hotel near the airport as I fly out tomorrow morning.
I have my 1st Oly of the season at Elkhart Lake, WI on Saturday. Actually, since the swim was cancelled at last week's Sprint Tri, this will also be my 1st Tri of the season.
I'm not wild about business travel before a race - too much out of your control - lack of sleep, too much eating & too much drinking - not enough working out. But it is a taper week and I do get back tomorrow so maybe I'll get a quick swim in. Travel to Elkhart on Friday afternoon.
Nada yesterday
Today 22 mile bike (HR monitor fritzed half way through so I went on perceived exertion) I perceive that it was hard.
Then 2 miles a 8:45 pace to the YMCA for core training with Paulie my trainer.
THEN to the farmers market for breakfast and to stock up on fresh veggies. SC peaches are starting to come in Woo Hoo!
@Jim - Good Luck at Elkhart!
Thursday - Run test was only 4"/mile better than 4 weeks ago. It was 70 degrees and 93% humidity and I just melted at the end. My plan was start out moderate and turn-in negative splits, and I barely did that. My AVHR was 167 and I hit a max of 187, so I was certainly working hard.
Friday - swim workout, was at the 2200m mark looking at 8 X 50m then cool down, and the pool shut down for lightning in the area. No complaints here - still recovering from Thursday!
Saturday - did the outdoor option, which for me means a 34mile bike ride @mostly Z4. Followed by a 4mile run @Z2/Z3 and a .5mile cool down. The temp during my run was like 74, but the humidity was around 60%. I ran only 29"/mile slower, at a way lower HR after a hard bike aride @21.2mph. So, I got it pretty much figured out about the overheating. I need to move to either Phoenix to get the low humidity or move to Canada.
@Kim - dreadmills make me sad. I guess it is certainly better than nothing, but it is a mental challenge for sure! Mine at home doesn't go lower than 1.5% incline and it shows the 400m loop so I can see where I am on a stupid track. So mentally, it is left turn, followed by left turn,...Yeah, run outside!
@Ralph - having been to the Marine Corps base there, you certainly have some nice Low Country humidity to go with those peaches!
@Jim - post results! Especially taper week stories during your week away. I have a couple this year with a return Friday and race Sat or Sunday.
So I finished the week training and downloaded the workout into my WKO. Here it was a banner week for me with about 15 more miles added to my week ending total, BOOM mystery solved.
I'm doing a SC hack BTW.
Today was back to normal heat index. 3 X 1mi @Z4 with .5 @1 in-between and target was 7:30/mi. My times were 7:40, 7:29, and 7:17. I got in a total of 7.2mi and am toast. Doing some strengthening exercises and chilling out before the Spurs game!
David- 15 more miles is great!! I'm starting run focus plan for next 6 weeks so thinking I can go from about 30/month to closer to 40. Still not a lot but with only short races thru sept it is prob ok
Got in 4.5 miles today down Santa Monica blvd in Beverly Hills. Not bad eh?
Long day tomorrow. Up at 4 am to head to airport for 7 am flight to NY. Then car back to office thru rush hour. So I should get home around 7 pm east coast time. Yikes!
@ Kim, right on about that not being bad Beverly Hills very nice!