Stop! Allen keys. Nope. I tighten every bolt the day before. Do you not do that and take allen keys just in case? Breaker. Nope. I go with a chain that is either nearly brand new or has not yet stretched to .5 on the chain guage. Tire boot. Nope. My IM tires never have more than 200 miles on them at the start. The only time I've needed a boot is when I am running my old race tires into the ground as trainers. And I've suffered several blow-outs that your standard tire boot could not plug. Duct tape. Seriously? Make sure your equipment is in working order so you don't need to drag along a Park Tool equipment set.
Problems to date in a race: 1 flat in something like over 50 races. Unfortunately, it was at USAT nationals and I experienced a CO2 failure...i.e., the inflator would not puncture the CO2 cannister. I was out of the race. At home I tried other inflators on that CO2 and it apparently was molded too thick at the top. That's why I take 3 vs 2 in an IM.
Call me a minimalist but I am racing. If I need serious repairs the race is over and I can wait an hour for help and just lollygag to a finish.
For those of you who carry two tubes, how do you store them? My saddle bag is pretty full with one tube and 2 cartridges, 2 tirelevers and a small multi-tool. But for peace of mind I'd like to add a second tube Any suggestions for bags? thanks
Kate, you must use the same size bag I do. Instead of two rubes, I carry a small tube of glue and a couple of patches from a tire repair kit. Then a second tube and CO2 in special needs bag.
Somebody will call me stupid but when I race all I carry is a multi tool and a can of Vittoria Pit Stop. On training rides I also carry my cell phone. In 5 years of riding I have only had to call home for a ride once, and that was because fog became so thick that it was unsafe to ride back home. I used to carry tubes, tire irons, CO2 inflator, and master links, but I need all that space for nutrition. So I go with the bare essentials. If I have two flats in a race, I'll have to rely on course support. So far I have been very fortunate not to have any flats in races.
2 tubes
3 CO2
1 Pedro Tire Lever
Allen keys. Nope. I tighten every bolt the day before. Do you not do that and take allen keys just in case?
Breaker. Nope. I go with a chain that is either nearly brand new or has not yet stretched to .5 on the chain guage.
Tire boot. Nope. My IM tires never have more than 200 miles on them at the start. The only time I've needed a boot is when I am running my old race tires into the ground as trainers. And I've suffered several blow-outs that your standard tire boot could not plug.
Duct tape. Seriously?
Problems to date in a race: 1 flat in something like over 50 races. Unfortunately, it was at USAT nationals and I experienced a CO2 failure...i.e., the inflator would not puncture the CO2 cannister. I was out of the race. At home I tried other inflators on that CO2 and it apparently was molded too thick at the top. That's why I take 3 vs 2 in an IM.
Call me a minimalist but I am racing. If I need serious repairs the race is over and I can wait an hour for help and just lollygag to a finish.
I only carry:
2 tire levers
2 tubes
3 CO2
1 inflator
simple and clean
After reading these post I'm going to add small muilti tool and a piece of tire.
-2 x c02
-tire lever
-extra disposible contact lens
In my jersey pocket in small nylon bag: tube with extender, CO2, tools, & boot.
Single bottle cage behind the seat (empty for race) with X-Strike CO2 carrier: 3 CO2, tube held to cage bracket with velco.
i have round tubed bike.
small bike bag under seat. two tubes. tire levers.
dark speed bag. down tube. tools and replacement goodies and small pump.
top tube bag. nutrition.
These things probably actually make my bike more aero. with an aero bike, the above set up may not be so good.