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William's Get Me Ready Thread

Patrick - 

Well here we are.  I finished KS 70.3 yesterday (June 9) and have Grandma's Marathon June 22, so I have to manage recovery and get ready for that.  Obviously I know it won't be completely ideal, but still want to make the best of the situation.

About the 70.3: I had a solid race.  About half way through the bike, my right medial quad (vastus medialis) suddenly started to hurt a lot like I had strained/pulled it.  This served like a "governor" on the bike; I had to hold back a bit in order to not make it worse, get through the run, and not have done something terrible to myself that would put me out for a while.  As it turned out, it didn't bother me on the run. This morning, I am stiff and sore, but that muscle isn't worse than anything else.  There wasn't anyone within reach of me on the run in the last mile or two, so I ran solid, but didn't completely turn myself inside out at the end, in large part so that I would be able to race the marathon a couple weeks later.

My experience is that I'm on the slightly above average length of time to recuperate on your normal scales that you put out.  (Probably reasonable, given my age.)  I'd expect that your usual "recovery after a half" advice to apply to me, with the "more or less back to normal" day being probably next Sunday (June 16), maybe Saturday (June 15).

So what do I do in the next couple weeks?  Running this week on the weekdays seems like it would probably be counterproductive.  Not sure that I'd get anything out of a bike except active recovery until next weekend either.  I could almost certainly get some actual aerobic work in in the pool within a couple days if you think that just getting in 90 minutes of aerobic whatever is a good idea.

Thanks for your advice.


While I am at it... 90 min half six weeks ago, and 1:36 half at KS yesterday... I was thinking of running with (or at least near) the 3:15 pace group and seeing how it goes at the marathon.  It's a big race (10,000+).  Sound reasonable? Or too aggressive?


  • @William, love the tagline. You are a physical and technological leader!!! image

    I say that you chill it until Wednesday, when you can do an easy spin. I would suggest water running on Thurs & Friday, followed by a nice aerobic bike on Saturday (Call it 2-2.5 hours, all Z1), then Sunday OFF.

    Then in the final week, we can have you stretch your legs a bit with some pick ups and swimming to stay aerobic during the taper (Think Monday / Wed / Fri are short runs, tues/thurs are off / swim).

    Remember all your recovery stuff matters until a week after the race, so keep up all that geek stuff!!!

    How you pace the run on race day is largely due to the conditions. If weather looks perfect you can roll the dice...if hot, you should be conservative. Also worthwhile looking at your carb load / pre-hyrdration strategy as you will be "lower" than normal given what you just did (congrats again).

    Keep us posted!
  • Thanks. I was feeling stiff this morning and went to the 50 m pool for total recovery work. Just about 2 km in 45 min or so... lots of moderate pulling, not too much real swimming at all. This wasn't work - it was just the low impact version of getting out for some long walks. Spent 15-20 min stretching and self massage after I finished. I feel a million times better. OK, not a million, but at least 2 or 3. :-) For such a crappy swimmer, I seem to enjoy it more than I should.

    This may be a stupid question, but I've never done water running. What does that entail?

    I'm going to be Sherpa on Sunday. Just found out the date on this local Sprint tri that I can take my almost-13s twins to. Gonna be a blast. I have done that race before and it's a lot of fun. I have an excuse not to do it this time and just watch them. :-)

    And on conditions, yes, of course you're right. Duluth is so far north that this race traditionally has very moderate weather even in June. They don't even start it all that early (though I wish they would...that seems like good insurance.). It's actually a very popular one for people to try to BQ for that reason....sort of like Chicago is because it's so flat. Anyway, we'll see how it develops, of course.
  • @William sounds good. Water running is just running in the deep end...you can youtube it...we have some resources in the running section of the wiki too....you get the run work without the pounding...
  • So, now I'm looking for some thoughts on a "real" recovery. I'm pretty sore still. I am assuming that this recovery will require more work than many because of the two races. I know I need some down time to get back up...but I also feel like it's too early in the year to hang it up. I didn't qualify for LV, despite having a very good race at KS, so I'm a bit "purposeless" now...had I not done the marathon, I had thought about going to Racine as a backup plan, but that's really out of the question... the point here is that I don't exactly have a target date for anything, but I want to do SOMETHING in the Fall. There's a local HIM in August I've done a few times that might be worth going back to...another option would be a Fall marathon, but again...not sure what that would accomplish..... I'm not sure that there is a Fall WTC HIM that I could try to get to for another shot at WCs (MT I guess)... But I digress.

    I will probably go to the pool tomorrow, weather allowing, to get some active recovery...and I'm happy to just do some easy and eventually a little harder swimming for a while...not sure when to start invoking easy biking or running in these circumstances. I'd appreciate your thoughts. Maybe treat this like an IM recovery?
  • Yes to IM recover. The bigger your Fall goals, the more recovery you need right now to achieve them. Core / Flex / Yoga / Swim only...like 2 weeks. Get your body back, then we decide. I think a fall HIM would be nice, and maybe a fall half mary...but I wouldn't go too crazy depending on what you plan to add to 2014 on top of Boston....
  • Thanks. All plans totally in flux. Have to figure out if Boston is even really going to happen because Chris doesn't have a lot of margin. Cynthia (wife) has expressed interest in visiting MT...who knows! that would probably have to be the HIM like they just had this year. I think family reality is that Fall 2013 goals will have to be pretty modest unless there was just an obvious key race to shoot for ... and if there is, I haven't figured it out yet.
  • Sounds good...let's not forget you have been on all cylinders for a while...nothing wrong with chilling a bit!
  • Patrick- Checking in.

    Last week (second week out from marathon), I swam and stretched pretty consistently. I had no physical symptoms (pain, excessive fatigue, etc) during day-to-day life, so I had been pretty optimistic about a bike ride that I did for today (15 days out). I planned for a 2 hour ride, hoping it would be something that could be pretty close to a normal 80%-ish ABP ride.

    As things went, though, it was a 2 hour Zone 1 ride. I *could* have pushed that hard (80% range), but it would have been a pretty extraordinary effort, and that seemed counterproductive to getting going on all cylinders again.

    I've decided (or at least acceded to the fact) that I need to put off making hard fall plans until I'm really back in the saddle, so I can see how many weeks are available before xyz event.

    I am thinking that it's still probably reasonable to start doing a couple easy runs and a couple easy bikes this week (Week 3 out from the marathon), but please let me know your thoughts. I'm having no problem swimming relatively hard at this stage.
  • William, it gives me strange comfort that despite your obvious intelligence, you still act like a normal triathlete. image No way that ride would have worked...and if you had managed, it would have merely been a harbinger for a fall implosion. Your body rules right now and you are right to listen...keep it light and fun...and when you get home after "pushing" a ride to download stuff and you see good numbers (not planning a ride to a number and striving for it), you'll know you are ready!!!! Swim away, but the rest should be easy, both in terms of effort and life cost....
  • Thanks. There is a certain irony intended in calling myself a "Type A rester". :-)

    I knew better than to push, and I suppose I take a strange comfort in you telling me it was a dumb idea. Makes me feel less inadequate. :-)

  • These dang little smilies don't do this witty banter justice. image
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