IMMT Week 6/10- 6/16 "Big Training Day"
So how is everyones training going? Everyone have their plans in place for the big training day this weekend? What do you have planned?
I'm actually thinking about doing mine on Friday and taking that day off from work. My folks will be in from out of town and my pool doesn't open up on the weekend until 9am on Sat and Noon on Sun. So I am thinking about doing the big day on Friday so that I can get AIP (ass in pool) by 6am and get the whole thing done earlier.
@Paul.....wholly volume batman??? I could not recover from that volume... For IMTX my peak weeks were 18:59 , 16:43 , 15:35 , 15:17, all other weeks were between 10-15hrs for the 18 weeks pre Texas...
My big training day, conveniently, is the Patriot Half on Saturday. I couldn't have scheduled it better myself!
I'm pretty undertrained right now. I'm not expecting a tremendous result. The following week I go to London for a 9 day family vacation, so that won't do my training any good whatsoever. I plan to work in some runs that week, but it is definitely sub-optimal.
On the happy side -- I lost 5lbs somehow in the last month and I don't know where they went! Seriously -- haven't weighed in a month. Have been doing plenty of naughty snacking (I really love dry Life Cereal). I may have done 50% of my workouts. And yet - blam! Steady measured 190lbs for the past 2 days. It wasn't a one-day error. Woohoo! THAT is the kinda motivation I need!!!!!! 170 here I come.
I just started to hit some volume and real intensity this week as I complete my recovery from IMTX.... Since I'm racing IMMT 70.3 next weekend I wont be doing too much this week but plan to build quickly afterwards for 6 weeks and then taper...
Swim only day today... 500yd swim , 30 x 50yd alternate fast/slow, 500 yds w/PB, 500 yd with fins.......Love that Garmin 910xt ...
Its also a good time to do a Body Accountability check... see where your at , what is your goal... 9 weeks is time to lose that last couple pounds(but not too much) to increase your w/kg ratio... I'm back up to 122 since racing IMTX at 118.... I will race IMMT at 120lb or less... Put it out there and make it happen!
Trains smart, make the right choices, and get fired up!
Tomorrow 1/2 to 1 mile OWS , 2
6:00am 2 girlfriends meeting me at my house
AOD (ass on deck) by 6:15am to swim (yes- I live on the water- but it's not always the best place to swim)
AOB (ass on bike) by 7:30 with Peep #1 for first hour of riding (the other peep gets bfast and takes a break)
8:30 drop off Peep #1
9:30 pick up Peep #2 for the next 2 hours of riding
11:30 Run/Walk (I'll explain the walk part in next weeks thread)
12:30 done, rest, relax, EAT, and spend time with my parents who are visiting from out of town.
I had a great Big Tri day today. The swim was a little short- but it was really choppy out there and one of my gals gets seasick. But the bike felt good (even though that last hour into the wind was tough) and I was comfy on my walk/run. I learned a few things I need to work on:
- My handlebars are squeaking and while that squeak is mildly annoying for 1-3 hours, it's absolutely aggravating at 4 hours. That's gotta get fixed ASAP
- I was trying out Bonk Breakers for the first hour of nutrition on the bike. Nope, don't like them and find them too hard to chew and choke down. Good news? Apparently they don't have Bonk Breakers at IMMT anyway (although that's what is at all the US based IMs). So I guess it's not a huge loss. Need to find something else solid to eat in that first hour or so of the bike that will go down easy
- I need to think about carrying hydration on the run because the time between aid stations may be longer than I'm used to. And here's where I have to confess what is going on with me and the run.
Earlier this summer, I fell on a trail run and tore my right meniscus. I didn't know it was torn right away- that took a little over 9 weeks to figure out. The tear is in an area that doesn't get blood flow so the tear won't fix itself and requires surgery. Doc says I won't hurt it more by running on it (in the short term) and if I can manage the pain I can put of surgery until after IMMT. Soooo, I'm planning to Swim/Bike/Walk IMMT. I'm working on trying to make that a run/walk (1 minute running at a time) so the marathon isn't incredibly boring and frustrating. So far so good. Lots of Ice and Naproxin on a daily basis seems to keep the pain and swelling to a minimum and allows me to continue bike/swim workouts.
Did a mini big training day being only 8 days out from IMMT 70.3... Started with a .6 mile OWS , 56 mile bike @ .83 , 3 mile brick run...
Today - 82 miles biking in the primordial soup that was Tampa this morning. It was about 80 degrees and 93% humidity when I started. I rode easy for 30 mins with IF at .68. I figured the IM portion should be between .70 and .75. Please let me know what you guys target. By 67 mins I was already at .75 so figured I was going over IM pace to bring the average up so quickly. I tried to dial it back a little but hit 3 hours at .794. Then I eased up but it didn't feel easy because the heat and humidity were a real challenge. I finished the ride at .772 overall.
Got home and worked on rehydrating. Ate lunch and took a nap then hit the pool for the assigned 2700 yards. I added 100 to the warm up and 100 to the cool down since RnP can't add.
Quick change, and off to the movies and dinner out with my wife and daughter to maintain my spouse approval units.
@Tim- Rice Paper= Genius! I need to check into that. I like Cliff Shots (esp Margarita) and Cliff Bars- although the bars tend to feel like to much "work" chewing them when I'm on the bike. Maybe if I cut them down to smaller sizes it would be better. Thanks for the ideas.
@Paul- OUCH! I guess if there is a heat wave in Canada you'll be the only one of us super ready to deal with it! I'm having a hard time dialing back the IF right now as well but I think that's because my FTP might actually be a little higher than it is currently set. We have a test week coming up so that should help to start dialing things back in. WRT target IF for the IM, some of that depends on how long you are going to be on the bike.
Yesterday was my first OWS of the year. During the first one of the year, it always takes me a quarter mile to figure out how to breathe again and then the rest is steady and slow. This year was no different. I am glad I got it out of the way before HIMMT next week. Today I hope the weather holds off long enough for me to get in a last 2:30 ride and 30 min run before dialing it back and travelling to MT.
It means you get faster each 100. You "descend" the time it takes to do the 100. So the first 100 is easy, 2nd 100 is a little faster, third 100 is as fast as you can.
I personally take a little extra time between each of those sets. Going from the 100 sprint strait into the next "easy" 100 blows me up if I'm getting less than 30" rest.