Proteins in breakfast on race-day
Hi folks,
I'm wondering if it would be a problem to consume some protein-heavy drinks for my IM race-day breakfast?
On my RR I used some smoothies but you really have to drink a LOT of them (which I can't in the night - so I drank just 2pcs = 320kCal). Today I found some nice protein-heavy but very high-calorie-dense drinks which are completely fibre free where I get 500kCal out of 400ml.
The only thing I'm worried about is the high amount of protein of almost 19g/bottle.
That's what race rehearsals are for, to see what your body can do BEFORE race day!
Personally, I make my own smoothies for breakfast each morning when at home. When I'm traveling for training or a race day, I drink an Odwalla super protein smoothie and another Odwalla. All my usual calories in two small smoothie bottles. Just my $.02.
It has a lot of calories and protein ... anyone already used that?
I then have quarter of a power bar every 30 mins on the bike which has, among other things, protein in it. I am never hungry in an IM.
Your main objective to a pre-race meal is to eat what you can digest without any form of bloating/gas, very low fiber, enough protein to help normalize blood sugar - which is about 25gm for men, and enough carbohydrate to top off glycogen stotage. Depending on your weight and race distance will determine how many toatl calories. There is no need to eat an enourmous amount of food before a race. I suggest that pre-race eating starts the day before! If the race starts at 7am than do not be gourging yourself at 7pm the night before. You need time to digest your food. Think about getting in familiar calories the day before and taper your food 14 hours before the gun goes off the next morning. If you got your calories in the day before than your pre-race meal should not have to be something that starts in the middle of the night. Sleep is free speed.
My favorite pre-race meal is coffee and cream, Cream of Rice Cereal with coconut oil, 8 oz soy milk, nibble on a banana and sip on EFS sports drink while setting up.
Sheila Leard,RD, CSSD, CPT
Certified Specialist in Sports in Sports Dietetics
Certified Personal Trainer
I think I'll do it like Peter - get up at @ 2AM an get a PowerBar Recovery Drink with 150g powder + water. This will give me 590kCal (30g Protein + 106g Carbs) and as I've used it already hundreds of times I know my body can easily take that
After talking another short nap I'll get up for the second lighter breakfast to have a Müller Milkrice giving another 200kCal (7g Protein + 32g Carbs) with Coffee as usual.
Then I'll just take in Powerbar IsoActive drink until 6am.
From 6:00 to 6:45 I'll not put in any energy (water only) so allow blood sugar regulation.
Then 15min before start I add an additional PowerBar Gel (100kCal)
In terms of Carbo-loading I have very good experience with Sponsers "Carbo Loader" drink. I used it already on my last two 70.3 and it just works great for me. I'll do a 2 day loading cycle (Friday + Saturday).