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Footpod superseding GPS?

Went for a run w/ my Garmin 610 today when while running  beneath some scaffolding, my watch beeped at me to tell me it had lost satellite reception.  No biggie, I was running a loop and just kept on going, although I was surprised that my watched never beeped or buzzed to indicate that it had re-found the satellites.  Then, close to the end of my loop, it beeped to indicate a one-mile interval, and I remembered that I also have a footpod which must have taken over when the satellite reception was lost. Does the GPS not automatically research for the satellites? Do I need to manually have it search for stellite connection? My footpod is a little less precise and I'd hate to have to rely on it if this happens during a race...


  • Hi Katie,

    I run with the exact same set up. I believe it will reconnect to the satellite without telling you. To find out for sure, download the file. What does the map look like when you load the file to Garmin connect? If it has the right map track, and I bet it does, you are back on satellite. The foot pod will not keep track of the run map. I have gone through long tunnels before and it always picks back up based on what I see on the map.

    If your map shows a straight line connecting to points that is not the route you ran, then it lost that section and just reconnected....
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