Jonas McCluskey Micro Forum
I'm curious as to why we do a 30 min. Z1/Z2 run before the long bike days in the HIM plan? On days my time in crunched and I feel I'll barely get enough saddle time, I don't like doing the 30 min. light run, just doesn't feel like I'm accomplishing much and I feel it's time better spent on the bike where I believe I need more work. I'm hoping understanding the philosophy as to why we do it will help me get through it .
Jonas McCluskey
Hello Coaches,
I just completed Muncie 70.3 yesterday, set a new best and anxious to get back at it to get faster
Anything special I should do w/ my training plan seeing as my next event (Steelhead, MI HIM) is only 3 weeks away or should I just stick to the final 3 weeks of the HIM training plan I've been using? I feel great, swim and run times were in range where I feel I should be, but I seem to be lacking on the bike. Probably not enough time to make any impact there now though eh?
Thank you,
Jonas McCluskey
You have to recover first, give it a week...3 light days..then maybe "back at it" by Sat. No long run this week tho... Bike speed is a function of many things. You could get more aero? Ride steadier (lower VI)? Just be careful with choosing the option I didn't list (bike harder) as that will affect the whole day!!!
Thank you for the feedback on this weeks to do Patrick, gotcha. Just checked my pics fron (will get pics & report done soon), definitely need to get another video to, like many people I thought I was more aero, BUT I AM NOT
My VI for the ride was 1.03, that's pretty good isn't it? Although a newbie, I don't like the idea of heading into a 13.1 mile run out of gas, the ride harder isn't an option for me. I know hard work over a long amount of time is what builds true lasting speed.
Thanks again Patrick, I know I wouldn't be minutes away from a sub 5:00 w/out this site and your guy's input.