WKO Newsletter
For those of us who upgraded to the newer version of WKO+ 3.0 (and those thinking of doing so), Training Peaks is publishing a newsletter describing various functions of the product.
You can sign up here
I also heard on the Google Wattage Forum that Coggan is going to release a new version of his Training and Racing With a Power Meter book shortly that will cover quadrant analysis, the scatter graphs and other new features, in great detail.
I've purchased 3.0, but haven't spent much time trying to figure it out yet. This stuff will help.
Hunter interviewed me on the phone for about an hour, picking my brain about how we race IM and HIM with power
. He sent me the chapter, I'll read it again to see if it's any good
I am in for the newsletter, and I AM OVERWHELMED and discouraged to say the least about all that I have to learn, and I WANT to learn and train with watts. How long will I hang in there? I am not sure anymore. It is taking too much of my time to figure out and find things in this vast sea of information! (I am not dumb and I enjoy figuring things out myself, but I have a lot on my mind which does not allow me to fully focus)!
Latest newsletter just out. Have an article on scattergraphs here for all of us WKO+ 3.0 users. tom
I've tried to find the chapter he sent us, thought it was in my gmail but I can't find it. I recall that he talked a lot about how cadence was the downfall of IM athletes. IOW, lower cadence = accelerated decrease of glycogen stores = burnt legs. This was probably around the time that WKO+ was being tweaked to include Quadrant Analysis, and, as we've seen with the Friel "decoupling" argument, this trends the methods of WKO, with is to add a feature to the software and then get coaches to write about this new way of looking at endurance training (decoupling, QA) which you can now measure in WKO...but that's another topic
Anyway, I responded to him with:
Short answer is that if (and his chapter did, just not as well as I would have
) his chapter talks about IF, TSS, wattage gears, our TSS pacing charts, etc, it will do a lot to advance the sports knowlege on pacing the triathlon bike. However, he proposes a theory based on cadence/Quadrant analysis, they will sell a lot more copies of WKO+ and people will continue to booger the bike.
Either way, PnI saw an opportunity to write and publish our own addendum to whatever his chapter says. IE, this is what Hunter said we said, he got it wrong, this is the way you really want to do it, says the guys with the real experience.