My Thursday FTP Ride
So I have no power file to share and no numbers to list, but here’s what I can say about today…
It started at 4AM when my 3 year old comes screaming into my room to tell me to come get the snake out from under her bed. The WHAT?? So, I calmly go and retrieve the belt to my robe that one of the twins dragged in there the night before. I head back to bed PRAYING that she goes back to sleep because I’m supposed to be on the trainer at 4:30AM. Yeah. No such luck. Now she’s in my room, in bed with me, asking me why milk is white, why the dogs have tails, why my hair is so long, why mommy is covering her head with a pillow….so I resign myself to no workout today., because hubby is on a 24. FABULOUS. How many workouts can I possibly MISS this week?? UGH!
So I start my day…kids off to daycare me off to work, but then I realize that I need to be at the Proving Grounds (fancy name for “test track" ) for a meeting that afternoon which just happens to be next to the state park I normally train at….and if the stars align….and the meeting ends on time….MAYBE I can get my ride in????
I decide to put this plan in motion, HAULING ASS to my house to pick up my stuff, get it in the car, get out to the meeting, and realize that I’m literally going to have to make this work exactly as planned to get to the kids on time afterwards. So I make the executive decision to go to the meeting in my bike kit UNDER MY WORK CLOTHES. Try it sometime. I felt like Superman.
Half-way through meeting, staring at clock, realize I FORGOT TO EAT LUNCH, so yes. I took the two PowerGels I had in my purse, palmed them, excused myself to the bathroom, and ATE POWERGEL IN THE LADIES ROOM for lunch. With my bike kit. Under my clothes. Can I get an AMEN?
Meeting ends 5 minutes late, but I am unstoppable now. I fly to my BatMobile (i.e. minivan) and haul ass to the state park and pull in THREE MINUTES AHEAD OF SCHEDULE! I actually did a fist pump.
Now for the cool part….I jump out, unload my trusty steed, and WHIP OFF MY SUIT to reveal….DA DA DAAAAA!!!!....SPANDEX!!!
I get my workout done despite being rained on (insert way cool power numbers here or something), get back to the car, load up, hop in, scream home, wipe off with a towel, throw on sweats, back in car, pull into the daycare on two wheels…..FIVE MINUTES EARLY. Yes, that is right. I’m early! Whoo-hoo!
Grab kids, home, dinner, repack for gymnastics, and here I sit….typing this while all of the other moms stare at me and wonder why I have chain grease on my leg and part of a dead butterfly still stuck in my cleavage. (Well…my pretend cleavage anyway.)
You may ask yourself why I’m typing this. I’m typing this, because we all share our workouts and our success stories and our race reports, but we usually don’t bother sharing the 34.5 hoops we jumped through to make it happen.
I’m almost tempted to say that I don’t give a SHIT how my race goes, because I TORE IT UP TODAY! Ironman? That’s a VACATION.
You rock Kori.