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athlete tracker

Does anyone know of a different gps tracking system than the myathletelive.com?  I've read reviews that it doesn't work well at all in LP because it needs cell phone towers to work and apparently the coverage isn't great there.  I'd really love to have a way for my husband to track me more often than just over the timing mats since he'll have the kiddos in tow.  Thanks so much!


  • I don't know of any, but have not really searched. However I did use map my athlete in 2011 and while not perfect, it was still good and plan I using it again this year. The cell coverage is good for most of the course, but not all. Still, my family was able to track me most of the time and knew when I would be coming through town and finishing.

    There are really two problems - one is the cell network does not cover the entire course, and the other is that the network in town gets overloaded on race day. But all in all it worked good enough.
  • Is Map My Athlete the same thing as myathletelive?  I tried to look up map my athlete and couldn't find it.  Thanks!

  • I think it is the same.
  • I used athlete tracker twice now up at IMLP. it does have some dead spots but it does help my family out 200%. Trying to find your racer in that big crowd can be exhausting for the price it is worth it!
  • There was a big discussion about athlete tracking on slowtwitch. Specifically re: the use of cell phones as a tracking unit. Per rules, not legal but it seems that quite a few people keep in in their saddle bag so family can monitor on the bike. There is some vagueness re: having a phone for an emergency. If you do decide to use a phone then make sure you walk off the course or you can get DQ'd. I rented out athlete tracker as I figured some info is better than none.
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