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aide stations on bike at IMLP

Anybody know the mile markers for the aide stations on the bike course?


  • They are every 10 miles
  • About every ten but not really. I want the actual mile or at least close to a mile or two. Every ten is not close because there are six aide stations that are not equidistant. I'm trying to figure how many bottles I need to start with.
  • Robert,

    I don't have the exact mileage but one bottle will get you to the first aid station.   Aid station 1 is by the ski jump less than 10 miles, maybe 6 in to the first loop.  See the link below. 



  • When I did my first ironman I started the bike with 2 bottles behind seat, 1 on downtube and aerodrink between bars. Imo totally unneccessry. My nice light tri bike weighed a ton. After a few more ironmans I only ride with aerodrink between bars and I pick up water at every aid station. Hope this helps.
  • This will will be my seventh time at LP.  I skipped last year.  I will live off the course this year and want to stay light but trying to decide if my speedfill aerobar is enough but since I want to push the fluids the first hour I may need a little extra.  Patrick said the first aide staion may not be rolling on first loop and if the next is at mile 17 or 18 then 28oz at 45-60min is not enough.  Unless I found out otherwise, I may take a small 20oz bottle as well.
  • Rob, 7 times at L.P. crazy ! This will be my 6th time racing LP. See you on the course
  • As I recall, the first bike aide station aide is located approx. 15 - 17 miles outside of town.

    When we are cycling out on the first loop, volunteers will be setting up aide stations next to the lumber store (near the bottom of the steep hill in/out of the village) and volunteers will be setting up aide stations for the run near the Horse Show Grounds. In the past, these aide stations have not serviced cyclists. The first bike aide station is far enough out of the village that you may want to carry an extra bottle (in addition to an aero bottle) - especially if you are going to use race products and "live off of the course" (I like that phrase!). If you are pushing fluids during the first few miles of the bike, it might be wise to have the fluids and not need them vs. need the fluids and not have them. You can always discard the bottle at the first bike aide station. I like to carry a spare bottle in case of a missed hand-off

    After the first bike aide station, in the past, the remaining bike aide stations have been approx. 12 miles apart, depending upon the terrain.
  • Can you get bottles pre-swim or at t-1 if you want to load up prior to hopping on saddle?
  • Tyler - if you are asking if race volunteers will have bottles for athletes in T1... I don't ever recall aide station support l tike this. You should be prepared with what you need until the first course aide station. Does this help?

  • Posted By Tyler Ray on 15 Jul 2013 10:01 PM

    Can you get bottles pre-swim or at t-1 if you want to load up prior to hopping on saddle?

    If I recall correctly, the answer is no.  The only thing I remember them having in T-1 is water and I think that was only there as you came in off the bike.

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