Satish week 14 int HIM plan
Hi coach P
I am currently at the beginning of week 14 of the HIM plan (Rev3 Maine August 25th). I am two weeks out from the Tremblant 70.3, and just did a modified olympic distance race on Sunday (with a 1k nonwetsuit swim, 54k bike, and 10.5k run). I am pretty happy with how Sunday's race went considering the heat and humidity (90F, humidex of 107), as I was able to complete the swim in 15:30 and rode fairly well on the bike on a challenging course in 1:38, (haven't looked at the power numbers closely, but probably in the .83-.85IF range) and managed nutrition and hydration well enough to survive the run with a pace of 4:56/k and no walking except aid stations. I ended up 4th overall and 1st in the 40-44 age group (albeit the usual fast guys weren't at this race).
I plan on taking today (monday) and possibly also tomorrow (tuesday) off then back at it on wednesday. The upcoming week schedule calls for a 1900mRR swim friday then the RR bike and run Saturday, Sunday off.
Considering what I've just done I don't see a reason to do the RR swim or ride, so I think I might just do the week 13 or week 15 friday, saturday, and sunday workouts instead, then start week 15 on monday. What do you think?
Thanks coach P! I actually feel more tired today (tuesday) than yesterday. So I think I will take today off or light swim. I will attempt the the 'on time' ride and brick run tomorrow, and the long run thursday, swim and run on friday.
The weather looks bad for Saturday's RR ride. Could I take Saturday off, then do the RR on Sunday? If so, then monday as usual or another rest day?
Thanks for the advice, I can see there is a danger of digging a hole here.
I should also add that the weekend after next ( i. not this saturday, but next saturday) I am on call and won't be able to ride (or do anything except work) at all. Does that change things regarding this week's plan? Thanks!
further to the previous posts, I decided to do an easy ride last night (tuesday night) because the weather was so nice: 1hr20min, 35k. It felt great, but then last night my legs were achy and stiff, and then this morning I felt awful, tired, elevated resting HR.
I decided to take today (wednesday) off. Not sure what I should do about thursday's long run or friday and saturday's workouts.
did the Saturday RR ride, and had a decent first 2hrs or so but managed to get dehydrated . Was cramping by the end, so clearly I need to revisit my fluid strategy for hot sunny days. I will take this as a positive learning experience going forward
I may take today Sunday (today) off
More importantly I managed to develop a really sore big toe on Friday. I don't think it's an injury since nothing hurt during Friday morning's run, but it just got progressively more sore by nighttime. The cycling doesn't seem to hurt it but walking is painful, so running is out of the question. I am icing and using ibuprofen ( which I otherwise never use) which seems to settle it down. I think it's some sort of synovitis and hopefully it will resolve in a few days.
So now on top of everything else, I am in run jail. It really feels like the wheels are coming off, and at this point I'm wondering if the rev3 half in August 25 should be taken off the table altogether. Once I am done my call weekend next weekend there will only be 5 weeks until the race.
My plan at the moment is to follow the swim workouts for this week. I can do a bike ride Monday night ( easy or abp intervals?), and Wednesday's bike workout. Hopefully I will be able to run long by Thursday, or Friday. If its not looking good for Thursday, I will do Fridays swim on Thursday and then the long run on Friday. Weekend will have to be off, pretty much. Might be able to squeeze in a short run Saturday morning. The Monday after my working weekend, I am off, so I wonder if it would be prudent to do a make up bike workout ( or long run) that day?
Thanks! Sorry for the angst.
Put extra energy into new fluid strategy and keep on the ice / foot stuff! Maybe check out
Thanks Patrick.
Will swim like a fish this week ( I plan on doing the big tri week swim workouts- enjoyed them in May ).
Won't run till Saturday at least.
I didn't ride monday (was too hot after work- and kid's soccer practice was moved to the beach so we all went to the beach!) . Will try the wednesday bike as usual, possible ride thursday or friday after work.
Won't be able to do anything except for a 35-40 minute run or ride saturday before I work all weekend.
I have Monday off - so maybe I should put a long ride in there?
Hi Patrick
Over the past week I did 4 swim workouts, and 1 bike workout (the wednesday wko with 8 minutes of on time). I went for a short run saturday morning. My toe didnt hurt but didn't feel 'right' so I cut it off at only 15 minutes to ensure I didn't flare anything up. No inflammation or pain afterwards so everything is still alright in that regard and I haven't had to ice or use ibuprofen for the last 4 days. My orthopedic friend thinks it was gout (brought on by dehydration not wine) and I agree.
This weekend I am working so no workouts
I am feeling my energy is coming back and am wondering how to reintegrate into the HIM plan. This week I should be in HIM int plan week 16, which has a run test. Not sure if a run test will be all that useful at this stage.
I have monday off so am planning a ride. Should I do a short run then 2hr abp ride or should I do the wednesday FTP ride/run brick?
For the rest of the week I could just swim Tuesday, run long wednesday, swim thursday, short run and/or swim friday, then do the weekend as written? I am on call again thursday night so that takes thursday evening and friday morning out of the equation.
Thanks for your help!