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Team EN Update 7.11.13

TeamEN Update - 7.11.13

In This Issue:

  • From The Blog: Recaps

  • Sharing EN Content with the World

  • Important IMLP Deadlines

  • Important Racine Deadline

  • Camp action!

  • Podcast Channel

  • From The Wiki

  • What’s Happening In The Forums

  • Sponsor/Discounts Update

  • Admin Update

  • Challenges




From The Blog

Click here for the Lake Placid Camp Recap and read the debrief from IM Coeur d’Alene, including links to all of our 2013 race reports.

Sharing EN Content with the World

Sharing EN with your friends: What can they see when they visit the site? Want to share some valuable EN content with your non-EN friends but aren't sure what is members-only? Please go here for some guidance from the coaches.

IMLP Deadlines

Lake Placid Athletes need to enter shirt sizes and register for dinner and much more. DEADLINE for Dinner Reservation is Monday, July 15. Full information in the right sidebar of the Calendar page, or click here.

IM Racine People!

Your IMRacine70.3 Bio is due this Friday, July 12. Visit this link to submit.

Camps, Camps, Camps

The 2014 Blue Ridge Camp is over 50% full already. If you are interested in joining us next May for this great cycling camp, learn more and make your deposit here. Coach Rich's Ironman Wisconsin and Lake Tahoe training camps are right around the corner. Visit the Camps page for complete details and to register today!

Podcast Channel: CdA and Swim Start Protocol!

2013 Ironman Coeur d'Alene Race Report: Dino Sarti -- Rich and Dino discuss his race, including a detailed walkthrough of the logistics and everything else you want to know about Ironman's new swim start protocol. Listen to the first 10-15' for the true scoop!  

From The Wiki- Run Test Video Available

Coach Patrick just updated the Running Master wiki page with a new Run Test Video!

What’s Happening In The Forums

Video: Walking the Narrow Race Day Path by Coach Patrick                

Ironman Lake Tahoe Athletes

Coach Rich has drafted his notes for you here. More details coming soon but this should get you started!

All Star Health- Our Newest Sponsor

Nutrition sent to your front door. Discounts especially for EN members. More info here.

Challenges - Birthday Challenge a Hit, Where are our bodies of steel?

Lots of peeps taking part in the BDay challenge, but no takers for the Body of Steel? To hard for ya? Come on....you know you want to.


Fun Fact

You might move faster than a caterpillar, but a caterpillar has more muscles than you. Can’t win ‘em all.

We love to see you kickin’ it.


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