IM frankfurt 2014
I am considering doing this race with a fellow EN-er. I am soliciting thoughts and advice on anything and everything to help me make a decision if this might be a good one to go for.
The thing that has brought it up as such an exciting potential race is that we have free lodging in Stuttgart - which is an LA-SD type distance from the race. We'd likely make it a nice longer vacation type trip, and take the train (just over 1 hr) into Frankfurt here and there for course recon, then get a hotel for maybe 2 days before the race.
Another one of the advantages of this lodging in Stuttgart is that it is a house with a kitchen, etc. Because I am a celiac and can't have dairy either, a full kitchen the week before any IM is a precious commodity. This might be my best opportunity to jump out and try an international IM.
Things I know so far for people to confirm or refute: Water temps will be warm. maybe even too high to be wetsuit legal. Bike run temps might be in the mid-upper 80s. (yeeeoooow....) The bike is not nothing, with 3000ft of elevation gain. Run: flat.
That's what I got - I am all ears for your thoughts!!