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Hello All,

 We are all on taper right now.  I wanted to see how you all feel about taper.  I have mixed reviews because i need the rest but i have three major challenges during taper:

1) Weight gain

2) Boredom

3) Self Doubt

Am I the only one that loves to hate tapering?

Here is a little more write up about my mental issues around tapering. http://justfinishfatty.blogspot.com/2013/07/taper.html


  • First of all - I am dying laughing at your website name! Second - I am right there with you on your taper challenges. My biggest one is self doubt for sure - I just keep wondering if I've done enough. I am also feeling so fatigued - I skipped my morning swim today just because I feel like I need to rest. Good luck trying to stay sane these last 2 weeks!
  • @ JB-

    1) food is fuel. Fuel your workouts not your emotions. Avoid all recreational sugar.

    2) Review all your recent workouts for power and pace -> write a Race Plan and post it. Re-read it many times. Take advice offered and adjust your plan as needed.

    3) See #2 ^above^ I you have doubts, check that part of your plan. Does it need to be fixed? If not, you're good. Trust your training and trust your plan. You've done the work.

    I think about training and tapering like preparing an ax for chopping (sorry, forestry background). The OS is like using a double-milled bastard file for very course shaping. Each stroke of the file sends flakes of metal flying as you try to reshape the profile what you started with. The next phase uses a smooth file and course stone to refine the shape and get it near perfection. Gone are the deep grooves and flat spots. By the beginning of tapering, your ax should be well shaped with the perfect angle on the face to cut deep and just enough cheek to release the head from the wood.

    Taper is like the final honing with a very fine, hard Arkansas stone It removes all the scratches and rough edges leaving a polished cutting edge. Meticulous attention has to be paid as you put your final touches to metal surface. Too much pressure and you blunt the edge. Not enough pressure or a poorly handled stone doesn't polish the edge, leaving the rough scratches and a raw edge. Get it right and you show up on race day with a razor sharp ax and the wisdom, and strength to wield it.

    The hard work is done. Time to absorb all the hard work and recover from the deep fatigue. The final remaining sessions are all about being in the moment - focusing on the details, honing your tools, and preparing yourself to be ready when the gun goes off.

    .... so, spit on that stone and get honing. Not too much too fast. Hone a little, look a little and pay attention to what you are doing.
  • Soooo happy taper is finally here! 

    @Steve-I think about it the same way. . .just quietly polishing the blade.

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