Week 14 and 15 of the Intermediate IM Training Plan
Coach, this is both kind of a micro and macro issue, so sorry if I've posted in the wrong place. Week 14 of my Intermediate IM training plan has a coach video that talks about the race simulation weekend with the Friday swim and Saturday 6 hour bike followed by 1 hour run. But, in fact, what shows up on the plan is the swim on Friday as 4400 yards (the race simulation swim), then Saturday as a 4 hour bike and a 40 minute run. It makes Sunday a rest day. That's exactly what I did. For me, I just finished that week and I am on week 15. Now, it has a swim workout on Friday that is not a race simulation swim, and Saturday is the 6 hour bike/1 hour run, but then Sunday, instead of being a rest day, the plan shows another bike on Sunday. I suppose this is a mistake, but I don't know. Maybe I should have figured that out. But I did last week's workout as written, and had planned on the 6 hour bike/1 hour run on Saturday, and assumed Sunday would be a rest day. It's not (as written). I need to know what to do this week. I would like to change the Friday swim workout to a race simulation swim, then do the bike/run on Saturday as race simulation, and rest on Sunday. Is that going to be okay?
Ken Sharlin