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Dumb ? Two PT hubs, one head unit does it work?

 Probably should have thought more about this before buying the second hub to build into my 404 rear, but can I use the same head unit with both hubs once I run the ANT+ updater on the older hub? I plan on buying an Edge 500 soon and would like to be able to use it with both hubs too. I guess I just assumed I would just do the 'find' search but was I being naive/dumb and it'll actually not work? Thanks in advance.



  • Sure. You just have to go through the process of "learning" the new hub id (Menu #5) when you switch between them. I've done this a ton of times.

    Thanks, Chris
  • It's very easy to do on the edge as well and only takes about 15 seconds at most. Just make sure only one hub is "on" and sending a signal, in other words only spin the wheel you want it to pick up.
  • One thing I did find out doing this (with one Ant-less and one ant hub) it takes a long time to get the old hub to "learn" the id again. Strongly advise writing down both hub ID's to save time. You also have to make sure the two hubs aren't close together when trying to "learn" the other (think it's something like 60')
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