Chris M's Thread
Coach P-
SC week 11. So this week, if I survive it, I get a day off on Sun and long ride Sat. I'd like to switch them, but that means no rest before the swim test monday. Any problem with that?
Coach P-
SC week 11. So this week, if I survive it, I get a day off on Sun and long ride Sat. I'd like to switch them, but that means no rest before the swim test monday. Any problem with that?
Problem with first big day (HIM INT w8). Unfortunately, there's no pool in my 'hood that opens before nineAM, shooting most of Sat on this. This creates family conflicts. I could take a half day off from work at some point to run a bigger RR, perhaps, but I just don't know what the right answer is. Should I add a short ABP ride on Sunday? Make the bike a full 3hrs or longer? Do the swim test later in the day when we go to the pool as a family? Open to suggestions.
Also, right now my swim sucks (that's OK--I have hope--there are some flashes of form that have shown themselves). Since I'm not using the pace clock much, what's RPE for T pace, vs T minus five?
Always use the clock if only to make sure you are swimming at a consistent pace. I swim and look every 200...that allows me to count time and confirm pacing but not have to check"too" often. RPE would be a 6 out of 10. Slow is smooth, Smooth is fast.
Hacks needed--next week is a mess.
Next week--HIM w. 11, into "big day" on weekend. The "problem:"
Travel tues (11AM plane); likely able to get 1 wko, but not both. Hotel has lap pool plus treadmill plus beach!. (Headed to Naples, Fla--outdoor running could be tough). Wednesday: likely some time early AM; balance of day in mediation. Fly back Wed. PM
Thursday: early AM drive to OH. Not sure I will have any time for long run (much less desire) once we get there. Have clearance from spouse to bring Bike. Fri: july 4th. Pool access questionable. Sat: long bike possible. Sun: ABP possible, but unlikely. Mon: could have access to pool. Tues: driving home. Likely 1/2 wkos, or more likely zero.
Have some ideas, but I leave suggestions to you. Hope this is enough notice.
Can. Wed AM is interval run. Thurs off. Friday Long run. Sat long bike. Sunday something short and sweet. Monday swim. Tuesday off, Wed back at it.
I feel like this is a really good balance for you, no way to fully replace the big day but this is pretty close. And will save you some valuable SAUs.
Mostly executed. Missed scheduled swim today. Just didn't have the time--substituted half hour easy run. Tomorrow run test... thinking of the following--I hate run tests and know my limits pretty well. Instead of 5k, 6x800 at vo 2pace or better (less chance of injury). Then scheduled swim Fri., and move bike test to Sat at beginning of long ride. Back on plan as written.
Let's just say that a 30 min run the night before, no dinner, followed by 6x800 on 1 gel=no fun. Made it through two miles (4) and felt dizzy so stopped. Nailing paces sub-8, though, (started at 8 min and finished 'round 7:20); would peg T pace at about 7:43, and vo2 around 7:20. Crushed the swim test today though--21:09 LCM / 1000, which is the best time I've ever posted. And I still don't have the rotation/catch/pull quite right yet. Big diff between this and 2000 yards followed by 2 other activities, but there are still 2 months to go.
Most worried about the bike right now. I like hills better than flat, but found riding on the flat really, really hard. Could have been the 9mi run the day before, tho'. Curious to see how the intervals go tomorrow.
HIM w 14. RR next weekend, but spouse out of town. No access to outdoor ride; run time questionable. Can execute the plan up to Friday. Does this mean 3 hours on the trainer @ 80-85 percent followed by a run? 2 is the most I've ever done. Am I better off doing 2 on the trainer, then short ABP on Sunday followed by longer run? I hate to miss a rest day.
Ah. crap. Didn't see this. No run off the bike: did 2.5 hours of sufferfest videos, which was mostly sweet spot plus FTP plus occasional vo2 surges. When I got to the 2.5th hour, each surge over FTP kicked the daylights out of me. (Which must mean I'm getting stronger.). Nutrition more or less on, but it did teach me the importance of metering the effort.
Picked a bad week to stop sniffing glue. On family vacation last week. Execution (ahem) lacking. SAUs in short supply. The schedule was as follows.
Sat: Swim 1 hour (no time Fri.). Sun: plan called for RR. Instead, 4 hour disaster bike ride (got lost, constantly stopping to look at phone, etc). Felt great when I started, but it was just a mess. No run afterwards.
Mon: 1 hour OWS. Tues: 1 hour Run (INTs). Wed: FTP ride (1 hour, hard). Wed. PM - sun poisoning or a bug or something. Between travel and not feeling quite right, I missed the RR.
2 choices: 1. Scheduled swim tonight, but I am worried about the RR. If goal HIM is 9/7, is this weekend too late? Should I do it ASAP?
Good to talk to you today. Here's a recap on a macro level of what I plan to do (will cross-post to rich).
1. In thinking about the race, what my numbers made "possible" and what actually happened, the first thing that needs work is the swim. Lose the stress of that event, everything gets easier. More race experience--lots of short ones in open water. Right now, SAUs spent--need to recharge account. No family support for long course racing. But I would do another one tomorrow (can't believe I'm saying that).
2. Body composition. Now I'm dropping weight consistently thanks to logging in lose it. Keeps me honest if nothing else. This is "free speed".
I think best in 3 month blocks. Here's what I would want to do now:
Next three months--adopt some version of the run durabilty plan, but combine with strength training, and SST. Main goal: weight loss. Schedule (tent) is posterior-chain focused weights Tue Thurs Sat, some cycling, some running. Race turkey day 10k. (no formal structure, just a time to reset head and do family stuff). Priorities are weight training and running. (I find that lifting is great for weight loss and I think it's fun).
Dec. 1: OS. Continue weight loss and tracking. See what happens.
Here it gets fuzzy.
Jan: plan events. Be sure to plan some epic bike ride in the spring. (gran fondo or similar).
March: Swimming lessons. Focus there 1 month.
April: sprint races. C levels only. Hunt open water, not rivers.
May: OLY-see above.
June-Sept: 1 Oly race per month. Find and time A races.