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IM Malaysia Race Report (Short Version)

Hello EN. My name is Cort Prois and I represent EN Far East (transplanted from Texas to Malaysia in 2006).  I am still writing my race report from IM Malaysia, but wanted to share the highlights with the team.

Swim: My first non-wetsuit IM, wore a skinsuit and it still chaffed my neck like a wetsuit.  I will have to remember the bodyglide in Kona.  Out and back swim, 43 minutes out, 30 minutes back, good negative split thanks to a strong current.

Bike: 4 loops of mostly flat course, two moderately steep hills, short, but steep.  Bike was uneventful, but by the last loop the temp. was 40 C (104 F) and the aid stations ran out of water.  I went almost 20 miles without water and power numbers reflect it.  Overall TSS was about 280 for 5h 7m on the bike.

Run: Ran LRP + 20 seconds/mile for 6 miles comfortably and held target pace through mile 13 and then clouds went away (yes, unofficially by my trianing partners bike computer it was 40 C with a cloud cover).  At mile 18 my left hamstring started to cramp so I really had to slow the pace, but I was still running.  Physically I could run faster, but my hamstring would cramp after 30 seconds of picking up the pace.  At mile 23 things fell apart as I started to get light headed and felt just plain bad, definitely was feeling the heat.  Slowed to a walk for two miles stopping at the aidstations for ice baths and eventually started feeling better before the last kilometer so I was able to run for the last km and finished very strong feeling good.

Overall time 10:36, 3rd in mens 35-39, KONA SLOT!!!

More details to come later.



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