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Nemo_ FTP before the final RR this weekend?

Help!   Saturday I rode 95 miles with 8000ft of climbing and had an IF of 1.12 and TSS of 797!   Now, I felt absolutely trashed after that ride and I knew the whole time I wasn't riding "smart" but just trying to stay in touch with the group.  So it's reasonable that my IF and TSS would be a bit high, but 1.12 for over 6 hours?  I shouldn't be able to walk, right?   Sunday's ride was another 2 hour easy spin that ended up with IF of .97 and on that ride I seriously was taking it easy, keeping it in the small ring and just spinning everything out from the day before.   

So I know my FTP must be off.  I need to figure out if I should do the FTP test this week ( I missed it last week ) or use my WKO data to make a reasonable educated guess.  Thoughts???


  • If you've been keeping your watts in the prescribed zones on your training rides, then you might be selling yourself short in trying to SWAG off the WKO data since it's based off your not so currently accurate FTP. I'd go the testing route and see what you can produce.
  • If you've been keeping your watts in the prescribed zones on your training rides, then you might be selling yourself short in trying to SWAG off the WKO data since it's based off your not so currently accurate FTP. I'd go the testing route and see what you can produce.
  • One more critical piece of information I just remembered (thanks to Tim K for the prompt). I realized on my last long ride that the Powertap was dropping out data and I needed to change the batteries. I changed the batteries in the PT hub this week and perhaps it zeroed itself out or something like that so that now what used to read NP=150 is now reading NP=175 (as an example). That would explain the disconnect. The workout this week is 3x15' at FTP. To me that's not a whole lot different than the 5/20 or a 2x20, but I think if I just rode the scheduled workout based on RPE that would let me know if the PT is just reading higher now.

    PS- IMMT is hilly- like IMWI. We all know my l'il peep watts won't get me up and over those hills in 300 TSS anyway so I'm not going to over analyze or sweat this. My plan is going to be to spin up every hill like I've got a picnic basket on the front and minimize the damage everywhere else. It just would be nice to have a good idea where I should be targeting for the "everywhere else" part of the race so I don't overcook or stay out there too long.
  • Good call on the battery swap; lets see what the 3x15 gets you!!!
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